Provincial Growth Fund applications from the Bay of Islands region
Published: 12 Dec 2018Responds to an OIA request asking for details of all PGF applications made in the Bay of Islands area.
PDF, 640KB, 1 page
Responds to an OIA request asking for details of all PGF applications made in the Bay of Islands area.
PDF, 640KB, 1 page
Responds to an OIA request made about three PGF applicants in the Wairarapa
PDF, 603KB, 1 page
A business case, briefing and MBIE's one-page assessment of projects relating to the Russell Wharf project.
PDF, 3.5MB, 35 pages
A briefing to the Ministers of Finance, Transport, Economic Development and Regional Economic Development, seeking approval for a number of projects
PDF, 1.8MB, 18 pages
MBIE's response to an OIA request for all material the Independent Advisory Panel of the Provincial Growth Fund has produced
PDF, 13MB, 36 pages
Letter of response to OIA request for minutes of the Independent Advisory Panel meeting 15 August 2018
PDF, 13MB, 36 pages
MBIE's response to two applications to the Regional Growth Initiatives to fund the Taranaki Cathedral Church of St Mary New Plymouth and he Taranaki Crossing Experience.
PDF, 5.7MB, 78 pages
This report presents the findings of a safety audit for the proposed SH10/Wapapa Road intersection improvements at Waipapa, Far North.
PDF, 6.4MB, 55 pages
Environmental and social responsibility screen to support the Waipapa State Highway intersection upgrade
PDF, 9.6MB, 123 pages
This business case details work completed to date, including the strategic case and is a single stage business case combining both the indicative and detailed business case phases.
PDF, 8.1MB, 142 pages
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