Money held by KiwiSaver providers in the KiwiSaver accounts of their members is invested in financial markets to get higher returns over time for members. Currently most of the funds held in these accounts are invested in ‘public’ assets — for example shares or bonds that are listed and traded on stock exchanges in New Zealand and around the world.
KiwiSaver investment in private assets is low. Private assets are those that are not listed publicly on a stock exchange. Private assets could include unlisted infrastructure (e.g. transport projects, or renewable energy developments) and strong, growing New Zealand businesses that are not listed on any stock exchanges.
We are considering some changes to regulations that would make it easier for KiwiSaver providers to invest some of the funds they manage into private assets. Investment in private assets could have significant benefits for both KiwiSaver members and the New Zealand economy. Members would get a wider range of investments in their KiwiSaver funds, which can lower the risks associated with investment, as well as potentially bring better returns over time. Investing some of the funds currently in KiwiSaver into different types of assets could also help provide money for leading New Zealand businesses looking to grow and help fund infrastructure projects to support our economy, which would help create jobs and lift standards of living.
The proposals in the Discussion Document include clarifying the use of specific risk management tools, ensuring valuation requirements are appropriate for private assets, improving public information around KiwiSaver investment in private assets, and considering the current way fees (which can be higher for private assets) are calculated and reported.