Exploring a consumer data right for the electricity sector

Days left

Submissions due: 10 October 2024, 5pm

Tell us about your experiences accessing electricity customer or product data and any feedback you have on a potential consumer data right for the electricity sector.

About this consultation

The government is introducing legislation to create a framework for the timely, secure, standardised exchange of data in designated sectors. This is the Customer and Product Data Bill (the Bill). The Bill is generic and is applied to particular sectors by passing regulations. The electricity sector is being considered for designation under this Bill (as is the banking sector). We want to hear about your experiences accessing electricity data in New Zealand, whether this is your own data or data about retailers’ products and plans.  

What we are seeking feedback on

This discussion paper seeks your views on:

  • Experiences accessing consumer and product data in the electricity sector as things are currently.
  • The potential design of a consumer data right for electricity including which data could be in scope, who could be designated data holders, and any actions that could be designated.
  • The potential costs and benefits of an electricity sector designation, including for different types of consumers.
  • Any other views on potential accreditation (eg who can access customer data), consent, and standards development that could occur in an electricity designation. 

Relevant documents

How to make a submission

Submissions will close at 5pm on Thursday 10 October 2024.

You can make a submission by

  • completing the submission form template provided in the list of documents above, and:
  • emailing it as a Microsoft Word document to: energyuse@mbie.govt.nz with “Electricity CDR submission” in the subject line.

Where possible, please use evidence to support your views. Examples can include facts and figures or references to independent research.

Please see page 4 of the discussion paper and pages 4 and 5 of the submission form for information on how MBIE may use or release the information you supply as part of this consultation.

Please include your contact details in the covering letter or email accompanying your submission. Direct any questions you may have on the submission process to: energyuse@mbie.govt.nz