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Seeking feedback to improve competition in New Zealand Closed: 07 February 2025, 5pm

Competitive and dynamic markets are critical to economic productivity and the welfare of New Zealanders.

Seeking feedback on a proposed levy to recover Commerce Commission costs of regulating water services Closed: 07 February 2025, 5pm

We are consulting on a proposed levy to recover the cost of the Commerce Commission’s new functions to regulate water services under the Commerce Act 1986 from 1 July 2025 onwards.DShj

Exploring a consumer data right for the banking sector Closed: 10 October 2024, 5pm

Thank you for telling us your views on the proposals for open banking designation regulations

Exploring a consumer data right for the electricity sector Closed: 10 October 2024, 5pm

Tell us about your experiences accessing electricity customer or product data and any feedback you have on a potential consumer data right for the electricity sector.

Seeking feedback on the Customer and Product Data Bill (consumer data right) Closed: 24 July 2023, 5pm

We recently sought feedback on the exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill (the draft law) and the accompanying discussion document.

The draft law will give customers more control over their data, allowing them to safely and securely access, manage, and share this data with others.

Feedback on an exposure draft of the Consumer Information Standards (Unit Pricing for Grocery Products) Regulations 2023 Closed: 12 May 2023, 5pm

MBIE consulted on an exposure draft of the Consumer Information Standards (Unit Pricing for Grocery Products) Regulations 2023. These draft regulations intend to help consumers compare grocery prices more easily by requiring the consistent display of unit pricing in New Zealand’s major grocery retailers.

Economic regulation and consumer protection for three waters Closed: 20 December 2021, 5pm

MBIE is consulting on how economic regulation and consumer protection for the future three waters system should be designed.

Regulating to reduce merchant service fees Closed: 19 February 2021, 10am

Submissions are now invited on the options to regulate merchant service fees.

Options for establishing a consumer data right in New Zealand Closed: 19 October 2020, 10am

On 5 August 2020, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment released a discussion document titled Options for establishing a consumer data right in New Zealand.

Review of section 36 of the Commerce Act and other matters Closed: 01 April 2019, 9am

Consultation on the review of section 36 of the Commerce Act relating to the misuse of market power, along with other minor changes began on 25 January 2019 and closed on 1 April 2019.