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Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Evaluation
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Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Evaluation
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In August 2017 Government approved the piloting of the Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category (CORS) Category as an alternative form of admission for up to 25 refugees in 2017/18.
The aims of the CORS Pilot were to:
- provide an opportunity for community organisations to more actively engage in supporting successful refugee settlement
- enable sponsored refugees, with the support of community organisations, to quickly become independent and self-sufficient
- provide an alternative form of admission for refugees to complement New Zealand’s Refugee Quota Programme.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) undertook a process evaluation of the Pilot, based on interviews and administrative data, to inform decisions on any future intakes under the CORS Category. The evaluation was undertaken about three months after the sponsored refugees arrived in New Zealand and assesses how well the Pilot has been implemented, what early outputs have been achieved and what improvements could be made if it were rolled out further.
Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Pilot: Process evaluation [PDF, 1.1 MB]