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Migration research and evaluation
Regional Migration Trends report
- Immigration consultations
- Recognised Seasonal Employer policy review
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Migration research and evaluation
- Migration data explorer (MDE)
- Migrant Employment Data
- Migrant Youth Information Project
- Migration Trends report
- Pacific Migrants Trends report
- Regional Migration Trends report
- Immigration New Zealand advisers' survey
- Migrants' settlement experiences and community attitudes
- Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Evaluation
- Welcoming Communities Pilot Programme Evaluation
- Samoan Quota and Pacific Access Category settlement information pilot evaluation
- Three Years On: English and employment outcomes of former refugees
- Global impact visa evaluation reports
- Migrant Community Reference Group
- Release of immigration information
- Our Future Services
Regional Migration Trends report
The Regional Migration and Labour Force Trend reports provide an annual overview of migrant population and the impact migrants have on each region’s labour market.
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2016 Regional Migration Trends
The 2016 Regional Migration Trend reports below provide an overview of the migrant population and migration trends in each region of New Zealand. The reports show trends to 2015/16 and compare recent immigration patterns with previous years.
Auckland Overview [PDF, 787 KB]
Bay of Plenty Overview [PDF, 2.2 MB]
Canterbury Overview [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Hawke’s Bay Overview [PDF, 791 KB]
Manawatu-Whanganui Overview [PDF, 4.4 MB]
Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman Overview [PDF, 739 KB]
Northland Overview [PDF, 695 KB]
Southland Overview [PDF, 2.3 MB]
Taranaki Overview [PDF, 708 KB]