Background and purpose

From 15 May to 11 June 2024, MBIE publicly consulted on 2 proposed changes to the operation of the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL).


The survey began by explaining the background to the Government’s decision to launch public consultation, including that funding raised by the IVL could be used to address some of the costs of tourism and conservation currently covered by the Crown. This section sought general feedback on whether:

  • the current IVL amount is insufficient to address issues relating to tourism and conservation, and
  • funding from the IVL should be used to address costs currently paid by the Crown.

The first proposal sought views on possible changes to the amount of IVL paid by each eligible traveller. The options presented were:

  • Option 1: Maintain the status quo amount of $35
  • Option 2: Increase the amount by $15 to $50
  • Option 3: Increase the amount by $35 to $70
  • Option 4: Increase the amount by $65 to $100.

The second proposal asked respondents for their views on how funding raised from the IVL should be spent. The discussion document proposed a number of potential spending areas and sought views as to whether respondents supported each area. Those areas were:

  • Address visitor pressure on mixed-use tourism infrastructure and wider tourism assets.
  • Address visitor pressure on the public conservation estate.
  • Support investment into ‘club goods’, projects or initiatives that the tourism or conservation sector might benefit from but are hard for individual businesses to develop or commercialise.
  • Contribute to the funding mix for international tourism marketing costs (investment into Tourism New Zealand).
  • Support ongoing or future Crown investment into tourism and conservation activities.
  • Fund, or contribute to the funding of, other initiatives relating to tourism.

Respondents were asked to provide any further information in support of their answers.

The responses to this consultation will be used to inform advice to the Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, the Minister of Conservation, and the Minister of Finance regarding possible changes to the operation of the IVL.


This document summarises responses the Government received through the public consultation and indicates overall findings from the consultation. The document also summarises who provided responses to the consultation.

Where possible, responses to the consultation have been broken down into the following categories:

  • Interested individual – this refers to submissions made by individual members of the public with no formal relationship with other categories.
  • Local Government or related entity – this includes both local government organisations and Regional Tourism Operators (RTOs).
  • Tourism or hospitality Business – where a respondent has identified themselves as representing a tourism or hospitality firm of any size.
  • Conservation group – respondents in this category could represent local conservation interests or those at a national level.
  • Iwi, hapū or Māori organisation – where a respondent has identified themselves as representing an iwi, hapū or Māori organisation.
  • Not-for-profit or club – respondents could include local tramping, cycling or running clubs, or business associations.
  • Other – respondents who did not identify with the other categories listed.
Last updated: 03 September 2024