Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility

Research and innovation to develop new technologies and solutions to address the challenges of climate change and drive a more competitive, sustainable, and resilient economy.


Europe has declared an ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The green transition for carbon-neutral energy, mobility, and other sectors will require cross-cutting research and innovation efforts. The actions in this cluster will support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal (greater ambition for 2030 requires faster technological development and accelerated economic and societal transformation). This work aims to enable deep reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy and transport sectors and the decoupling of their environmental impacts from economic growth.

Activities in this cluster include:

  • climate science and solutions
  • renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy storage
  • integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity grid and the development of smart grids
  • research on energy efficient buildings and industrial facilities
  • helping communities and cities adapt to the challenges of climate change
  • low-carbon transport technologies, improvement of the efficiency of transport systems and development of new business models for the transport sector
  • clean, safe and accessible transport and mobility

Finding calls under Cluster 5

The full details of Cluster 5, including the current Work Programme, are available from the Cluster 5 homepage.

Cluster 5 homepage(external link) — European Commission

You can also browse the Cluster 5 topics, with text search and filtering, through the Funding and Tenders Portal.

Funding and Tenders Portal(external link) — European Commission

National Contact Points (NCPs)

You can reach out to any of the following National Contact Points for help with Cluster 5.

Iain White profileProf. Iain White – NCP for Cluster 5 (Climate, energy and mobility)

Andrew SporleAndrew Sporle – Māori NCP

  • Managing Director, iNZight Analytics; Deputy Director, Healthier Lives National Science Challenge; Associate Professor (Honorary) of Statistics, University of Auckland
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Email:

Mary Mulholland profileMary Mulholland – NCP

  • Science and Innovation Counsellor, Europe, New Zealand Mission to the European Union
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Email:
Last updated: 17 February 2025