Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space

Research and innovation to develop new digital, industrial, and space technologies to drive a more competitive, sustainable, and resilient economy.


Digital and industrial technologies, including in space, shape all sectors of the economy and society. They transform the way industry develops, produces new products and services, and are central to any sustainable future.

The activities of this cluster include areas of:

  • digital technologies, including quantum technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics
  • manufacturing technologies, including new technologies that are more efficient, sustainable and resilient
  • space, including the development of new space-based technologies and applications, such as Earth observation, navigation and telecommunications
  • advanced materials, including the development of new advanced materials with improved properties, such as strength, lightness, and durability and that are more sustainable and efficient.

Finding calls under Cluster 4

The full details of Cluster 4, including the Work Programme for 2023–24, are available from the Cluster 4 homepage.

Cluster 4 homepage(external link) — European Commission

You can also browse the Cluster 4 topics, with text search and filtering, through the Funding and Tenders Portal.

Funding and Tenders Portal(external link) — European Commission

National Contact Points (NCPs)

John Cater profileProf. John Cater – NCP for Cluster 4 (Digital, industry and space)

  • Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Aerospace Research Institute University of Canterbury
  • Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Email:

Andrew SporleAndrew Sporle – Māori NCP

  • Managing Director, iNZight Analytics; Deputy Director, Healthier Lives National Science Challenge; Associate Professor (Honorary) of Statistics, University of Auckland
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • Email:

John Creech profileDr John Creech – NCP

  • Horizon Europe Programme Manager, NCP coordinator, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
  • Wellington, New Zealand
  • Email:

Isaac Holliss profileIsaac Holliss - NCP

  • Science and Innovation Counsellor, Europe, New Zealand Mission to the European Union
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Email:
Last updated: 18 July 2024