Kitmap — A Stocktake of Research Infrastructure in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Government Research Organisations
Kitmap — he tirohanga whānui o ngā tūāhanga rangahau i roto i ngā whakahaere rangahau a te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa
On this page

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In this section
Te whakatau i te āhua o tā mātou kōpaki tūāhanga rangahau | Characterising our research infrastructure portfolio
This section characterises the research infrastructure portfolio across the institutions.
Te uru me te whakamahi i te tūāhanga rangahau | Access and use of research infrastructure
An important aspect of the Kitmap project was not only to understand what infrastructure we have, but also how it is accessed and used. This includes who uses the infrastructure, how they get access to it, and how it is maintained. Information about access to infrastructures is also a key input for the future Kitmap online tool.
Pūtea me te Whakaruruhau | Funding and governance
This section covers the way in which decisions about research infrastructure are made and how it is managed across its lifetime, and the sources of funding for investments in infrastructure.
Ngā māramatanga Kitmap ki te pūnaha Rangahau Pūtaiao me te Auahatanga (RSI) | Kitmap insights into the RSI system
The data in this report will provide insights into aspects of the infrastructure portfolio that are serving the system well, and areas where future system design should look to address gaps.