We use ORCID iDs as unique identifiers for research funding to accurately link research publications, data and other research activities to researchers.
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How we use ORCID identifiers
ORCID identifiers (iDs) are a non-proprietary 16-digit alphanumeric code that distinguishes you from other researchers. They are used to link all of your research outputs and activities together in a record that is integrated with other publishers, institutes, funders and research-related services.
There are more than 6.9 million ORCID iDs in use internationally and many New Zealand researchers already have one.
Our commitment to using ORCID iDs
In July 2016, we signed a joint statement of principle supporting the adoption and use of ORCID iDs in New Zealand with other New Zealand organisations representing the scientific and research community.
Joint Statement of Principle: Adoption and use of ORCID identifiers in New Zealand [PDF, 618 KB]
We have also provided funding for the New Zealand ORCID consortium led by Royal Society Te Apārangi which helps New Zealand organisations gain the benefits of ORCID, and provides access to technical support through a New Zealand ORCID Hub.
Royal Society website(external link)
Integrating our funding system with ORCID will be an iterative process that we expect to grow and develop over time.
- In 2019, we started asking applicants applying for science and innovation funding to provide us with the ORCID iDs of team members in key roles.
- From 2020 we will start to add to the ORCID records of successful applicants public facing summary details of their awarded funding.
We anticipate that this information will also connect to and support the New Zealand Research Information System currently under development.
What some leading researchers have to say about the use of ORCID iDs in research funding
- Distinguished Professor Margaret Brimble, University of Auckland
- Dr Paul Gardner, University of Otago
- Dr Rod Badcock, Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington
Distinguished Professor Margaret Brimble, University of Auckland
“My academic career has spanned several decades and continents. Over that time I have worked for different research organisations including as a visiting Professor for two periods in America. Having received funding from New Zealand, Australia, the UK and China and published in a wide range of journals, ORCID helps me keep a track of everything in one place and makes sure that all my works are properly attributed to me.
When I apply for research funding I often have to provide information to funders about my track record. Usually it’s the same information being asked for time and time again. I hope that in future having an ORCID iD will allow me to re-use existing information when I am applying for funding, saving me a lot of time and effort that could be spent focussing on my research.”
Professor Margaret Brimble
Dr Paul Gardner, University of Otago
“ORCID is non-proprietary and is being used by many publishers (e.g. bioRxiv) for uniquely identifying authors. It collects information about a range of research activities including funding successes, employment history and publication history.
I see the benefits for NZ researchers of using ORCID will be when the information collected can be re-used, reducing the burden of applying for funding. As ORCID will have information about a researcher’s funding, publication and work history, it will give a flavour of their expertise and productivity which should reduce the reliance on providing CVs when applying for funding. It would be good to see more consistent requirements for providing CV information across the sector and for that to be drawing from existing sources wherever possible.”
Dr Paul Gardner
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7808-1213(external link)
Dr Rod Badcock, Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington
“Modern researchers require validated records of peer-reviewed works in order to establish their credentials within the research community. Online tools such as ORCID establish their authorship credentials with the major databases, publishers and their employers. These online tools significantly reduce the overhead of maintaining purely manual records and avoid the inherent typos and errors during transcription.
Ideally I would like to see funding agencies move to the incorporation of these IDs instead of relying on the RS&T format CVs in proposals. This would significantly reduce size of printed documents, reduce overhead in maintaining multiple information sources manually and be easily accessible.”
Dr Rod Badcock
http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0219-9570(external link)