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Kupu Whakataki | Introduction

Research infrastructure is an area of the Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) system where there has historically been little visibility. The need for information in this space has been repeatedly identified in previous MBIE publications, and flagged as making it difficult to identify gaps, prioritise investments, and address the general needs of the sector.

Mid-way review of the National Science Challenge

In 2018 a mid-way review of the National Science Challenges concluded with the Science Board agreeing to fund all 11 National Science Challenges at the maximum funding amount. This amount was set by Cabinet in 2013 for 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2024, and brings the total investment to $680.8 million.

PlantTech Research Institute

PlantTech Research Institute are contracted by MBIE for $8.425 million excluding GST to accelerate innovation and find solutions to horticultural challenges through Artificial Intelligence technology.

Future Winegrowing Platform

In July 2021 Bragato Research Institute received $5 million (excl GST) for a Future Winegrowing Platform to support the transition to be a financially self-sustaining research institute over a 2 year period from July 2021 to June 2023.