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Mātauranga and Taonga Māori and the Intellectual Property System

The Government is developing a whole-of-government approach to address the issues raised in the Wai 262 inquiry. This creates an opportunity to take a holistic approach to protecting mātauranga and taonga Māori in the intellectual property system.

He rāpopototanga matua – Tō mātou whakakitenga, ngā wero me ngā āheinga – Executive summary – Our vision, challenges, and opportunities

Nelson Tasman’s workforce and labour market is a result of its demographics, economy, local industries, location, natural environment, climate, and history.

Kupu Whakataki | Introduction

Research infrastructure is an area of the Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) system where there has historically been little visibility. The need for information in this space has been repeatedly identified in previous MBIE publications, and flagged as making it difficult to identify gaps, prioritise investments, and address the general needs of the sector.