Our tauira (students) are our future workforce. They hold the potential to help alleviate some of the skills shortage pressures being felt across many sectors in our region.
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Our 2012 review of New Zealand’s standards policy and infrastructure resulted in the Standards and Accreditation Act 2015 which changed New Zealand’s standards system.
The cartel criminalisation discussion document was released in 2010, and submissions were received in the following months.
This section provides information about consumer research and reports commissioned or undertaken in recent years.
This section provides labour market analysis and forecasting, data on jobs and skills, and reports on Māori and Pacific Peoples labour market participation and other research.
Our Trade and International team is responsible for overseeing standards and conformance infrastructure in New Zealand and advising the Government on related policy.
This section provides information, resources and guidance on our functions which support consumers, employment, business and economic development.
Kua whakatakotohia te pire mō te hararei tūmatanui o Matariki ki te whare Pāremata.
Manahua te mānehurangi – Take charge of your destiny.
We hold responsibilities relating to trade, including technical barriers to trade, import tariffs, trade remedies, competition, intellectual property and government procurement. This work makes it easier for New Zealand exporters to trade with other countries, maintains fair market competition, and ensures that products imported into New Zealand are safe.