Our mission is to double the size of New Zealand’s space and advanced aviation sectors by 2030.
Displaying 251 - 260 results of 1000
Our regulatory regime supports the growth of a safe, responsible, and secure space industry that meets our international obligations and manages any liability arising from our obligations as a launching state.
The following provides an overview of national interest considerations and processes, in particular for regulating payloads for launch in New Zealand, or by New Zealand entities overseas.
Sets out the scope and process for the review of the most efficient and effective arrangements for New Zealand's weather forecasting system.
pdf, 221 KB
This briefing sets out reprioritisation options in the Tourism and Hospitality portfolio to support the Government's fiscal objectives.
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This report seeks Ministers’ agreement to commission an external review to consider the optimal arrangements in the weather forecasting system, including the settings of the MetService and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), and any appropriate changes on access to weather data.
pdf, 208 KBAn opportunity is now available for New Zealand researchers to partner with NASA on Earth observation research.
New Zealand adheres to the main international agreements that promote a peaceful, sustainable, safe and secure space environment.
The government today opened consultation on the Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy at the inaugural New Zealand Aerospace Summit in Christchurch, with further financial support for the ambitions of the sector also being announced.