Annex 1: Measures and indicators

These indicators have been chosen based on several criteria:

  • appropriateness and relevance to explain the progress that can be achieved for Aotearoa New Zealand
  • availability of data that will help show comparative performance information and consistency of reporting over time.

Outcome 1: prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions 

Performance measure Indicator
Increase household incomes Total real household median weekly income from all sources, by region
Increase labour productivity Labour productivity growth
Decrease income inequality Percentile ratio (P80:20) of household income after housing costs for all households
Growth of new businesses Average 5-year growth in employment in new businesses

Outcome 2: skilled people engaged in safe and productive work

Performance measure Indicator
Increase employment Total employment rate
Increase skilled workforce Skilled occupation rate
Increase skill matching of migrants Proportion of employed Skilled Migrant Category principal applicants whose current job matches their skills and qualifications
Improve the experience for applicants applying for visas Percentage of visa applicants satisfied with their overall experience of applying for a visa
Increase pay equity Difference in median hourly earnings for men and women
Reduce fatal and serious work-related injury Fatal injury rate (age standardised rate per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) worker)
Reduce fatal and serious work-related injury Serious non-fatal injury rate (age standardised rate per 100,000 FTE worker)

Outcome 3: competitive markets with informed consumers and businesses 

Performance measure Indicator
Increase consumer awareness Percentage of adult consumers who know at least a moderate amount about their rights as a consumer
Improve consumer awareness of access to resolution pathways Percentage of consumers who agree there is adequate access to services that help to resolve disputes between consumers and business
Increase percentage of tenancy mediations settled Percentage of tenancy mediations settled
Increase employment mediation customer satisfaction Percentage of clients satisfied based on their last interaction with the employment mediation services
Improve the business experience when dealing with government Customer Experience Index (MBIE CXI)

Outcome 4: strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources 

Performance measure Indicator
Increase economic productivity Gross domestic product per hour worked
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation
Increase sustainability of national energy system Percentage of modern renewables in total final energy consumption
Increase efficiency of national energy system Energy intensity (based on megajoules per dollar of gross domestic product in real 2009/10 prices)

Outcome 5: dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections 

Performance measure Indicator
Increase the value of exports Total value of exports
Increase in firms collaborating internationally for innovation Percentage of firms collaborating internationally for innovation
Increase in firms reporting innovative activity Firm innovation rate
Increased business research and development expenditure Business expenditure on research and development as a percentage of gross domestic product
Increase productive capital investment Proportion of net capital stock that is not residential