Our strategic intentions

Our strategic intentions are supported by MBIE’s purpose and outcomes framework. They support the Government’s priorities and our purpose to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All.

Our vision and mission

Our strategic intentions are supported by MBIE’s purpose and outcomes framework. They support the Government’s priorities and our purpose to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All.

We do this through undertaking our responsibilities and functions, to:

  • Grow the economy, prosperity and opportunities (Puāwai)
  • Protect people, businesses and the economy (Kaihāpai)
  • Innovate and navigate for the future (Auaha).

Our outcomes

Our aim is to deliver across five outcome areas:

  • Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions
  • Skilled people engaged in safe and productive work
  • Competitive markets with informed consumers and businesses
  • Strong and resilient economy and value derived from natural resources
  • Dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections.

We will measure progress towards our outcomes through the indicators set out in annex 1. An explanation of trends and results will be provided in our annual reports.

Our values

This work is supported by our people and culture, along with values that guide how we work and interact with one another, with the people who use our services, and with our partners.

Our values: Maia - Bold & brave; Pae Kahurangi - Build our future; Mahi tahi - Better together; Pono me te tika - Own it
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's outcomes framework
outcomes framework