Greenpeace members submissions on the Accelerating renewable energy and energy efficiency discussion paper
We received 2425 submissions in total from Greenpeace members.
On this page
Some of these submissions followed a template.
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Some of the submissions included additional information to the template.
View the list of those Greenpeace submitters and their submissions [XLSX, 480 KB].
Greenpeace submission template
To the Energy Markets team at MBIE,
I’m sure you agree that everyone has the right to be safe and to thrive - our children, communities in New Zealand and overseas, the wildlife and wild places with which we share this Earth. But climate change, and the polluting companies that are causing it, are putting our wellbeing at risk. During a time when people in Australia have lost their lives, homes, and livelihoods in devastating bushfires, and over a billion animals have died. Before that it was the Amazon Rain Forests. The time for small, incremental changes has passed.
While I strongly welcome this strategy to accelerate renewable energy and energy efficiency, the climate emergency that we’re living through requires much more ambition than the outcomes that will flow from pursuing your preferred options alone. I urge you to pursue options that, first and foremost, cut New Zealand’s emissions in line with the science. While it is logical to cut emissions in the most efficient and least disruptive way, the goal of actually cutting emissions cannot be compromised. We need to keep global heating below 1.5°C.
It is worth noting the union movement’s saying, “there are no jobs on a dead planet”. Indeed, there is no economy without a stable climate. It is a fallacy to assume that we can trade off reducing emissions against costs to industry, as is done throughout this options paper. The costs of climate inaction and delay are well-documented and will always fall somewhere - if not onto polluting industries, then onto people, the natural world, the public purse and other sectors.
In response to the options presented, I make the following general comments:
- We must ban all new fossil fuel heating plants and phase out existing ones by 2030. This means all fossil fuels (not just coal) and all temperature applications. As your own table shows, this has substantially more emissions reducing potential and should therefore be prioritised. As noted above, costs to industry are not an excuse for compromising.
- Fossil fuel plants used for electricity generation must be closed down. As a first step, these plants should be put into strategic reserve so that they’re only used on the very rare occasions when renewables, batteries and demand-response are insufficient (such as unexpected dry winters).
- Industries should be required to plan for replacing coal and gas infrastructure with clean energy. They should also be required to implement all eligible, profitable, clean energy projects with a payback under a specified number of years.
- A levy should be introduced on coal users. It is fair and reasonable that polluters should pay and the revenues be recycled back into solutions.
- Significant funding and support should be provided for iwi, hapū, communities and low-income people to generate their own clean energy from the sun and wind. This means access to grants, loans and information as well as lowered barriers to entry.
- A community energy strategy should be developed and funded. There should be a requirement for new energy developers to offer shared-ownership to iwi, hapū and local communities. This is important both in terms of ensuring that the benefits of clean energy are shared fairly and justly, but also to generate community buy-in that will help speed the clean energy transition in line with the climate science.
- The Government should develop feasibility studies for offshore wind, particularly in Taranaki during a parallel phase out of the oil and gas industry.
- The Government should provide information on suitable sites for renewable generation. Regulations that unnecessarily present significant barriers to renewables development should be updated.
In addition to the options presented, I urge the Government to take advantage of low interest rates, and provide significant infrastructure support for the development of clean energy, in particular solar and wind. Measures include:
- Solar should be installed on all suitable Government buildings. Government land (such as Pāmu farms) are also important spaces to pilot innovative energy projects. Any excess energy produced from Government property (e.g. on weekends) can be gifted to those in hardship or to community organisations, such as homeless shelters and women’s shelters.
- The Government should also roll out a nation-wide solar schools programme, beginning in Northland and the East Cape.
- Planned social housing upgrades and Kiwibuild should incorporate solar energy, batteries, and passive house standards wherever feasible.
- The Government should introduce a zero interest loan programme to help half a million households install solar and batteries. Greenpeace has estimated this can be done at a cost of around $33 million a year, over 20 years.
As we’ve seen with the recent $12 billion infrastructure package, the Government can kick-start transformational economic development by taking advantage of low interest rates. These public funds can and should be used to lead the low-carbon transition in a way that is fair and just.
We’re in a climate emergency and must urgently reform our energy system to cut out carbon-emitting fossil fuels. The good news is that the technology already exists to do the bulk of this work. Furthermore, these innovative technologies provide the opportunity for people to participate more directly in energy generation and reap the rewards in lower costs and greater resilience. The barriers are often rooted in outdated structures and rules. These are not fixed. Just as our energy system underwent massive reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, the energy system can be redesigned once again - but, this time, with the aim of delivering cleaner energy, and a fairer, more inclusive and more affordable energy system. Let’s not sacrifice our children’s chance at a decent future for the sake of upholding outdated systems and ways of thinking.
Thank you.
From: (Name)
Submitters who used the template
Aristotelis Misirliadis
Andrew A
Elspeth Abdine
Gail Abel
Judith Abel
Praesens Absens
Ipu Absolum
Nicola Adamson
Alicia Addeo
Francesca Agosti
Mafalda Aguilar
Volker Albrecht
Linda Alcorn
Hugh Alderson
David Alderson
Keith Allum
Sally Aloiai
Sue Amell
Annika Ananias
Kirsten Andersen
Maureen Anderson
Teresa Andrew
Michael Andrews
Dwayne Andrews
J Angell
Lisa Annecone
Mafer Arambula
B Archer
Chris Archer
Renata Armendariz
Dael Armstrong-west
Christine Arroyo
Lindsay Arthur
Lisa Artmann
Isaac Arvizu
Heather Austin
Wendy Austin
Anna Babington
Carlo Bacci
Amy Bagwell
Annemarie Bailey
Tony And Christina Baker
Joan Baker
Judith Baldwin
Adrian Baljeu
Ashley Ball
Riccardo Ball
Trudy Ballantine
Helen Bamforth
Janice Banks
Maria Bansfield
Jack Santa Barbara
Simon Barclay
Diana Baritz
Joel Barlow
Karma Barnes
Sonia Barrett
Keiko Barrett
Charlene Barrick
Julien Barriquand
Don Baskett
Mark Bastian
Paul Batey
Nina Battista
Rachelle Bauer
Christina Baumhoff
Nancy Beach
Chris Beal
Keith Tihema Beale
Cath Beattie
Stephanie Beaulieu
Melanie Becker
Rachel Becker
Conny Beekhuis
Vanessa Beetson
Luise Behr
Barb Belanger
Elena Belkina
Doug Bell
Pamela Belsham
Muriel Benitah
Ashor Benjamin
Elena Benken
Mike Bennett
Mark Bennett
David Benson09
Alex Benz
Helena Berg
Daniel Berger
Mirjam Berger
Carol Berkeley
Robert Bernatschek
Anne-Marie Bernhard
Johann Bernhardt
Luca Bersanetti
Jason bevelander
Janice Beyer
Rajeev Bhadresa
Christine Biardeau
Pat Bidois
Rosemarie Bindon
Tracy Birrell
Mina Bixley
Martin Black
Tayira Mora Black
Mary Blake
Diana Blatchford
Baulo Blättner
Dana Bleckinger
Jennie Bloom
Barbara Blyth
Pablo Bobe
Emilia Boccagna
An De Bock
Paul Bohmer
Valeria Bonfiglio
Cinzia Bongallino
Brydie Bonniface
Luca Bonometti
Emily Borhi
Norbert Borsi
Vic Bostock
Theo Bougie
Terry Bowden
Laraine Bowen
Ann Brabant
Iris Braghiroli
Frauke Brandt
Paul Bravery
Cornelia Brendestam
Anna Brewer
Julie Brickell
Carolyn Bridges
Kathleen Bridson
Tim Bright
Rachelle BROU
Tim Brown
Roger Brown
Valerie Brown
Michael Brown
Jill Brown
Gilbert Bruchez
Janice Brush
Fabienne Büchner
Andre Buck
Maria del mar Budia
Elise Buffie
Judy Bugo
Jiri Bulis
Jiri Bulis
Sarah Bull
Cristina Burello
Alan Burke
Christopher Burman
Sheri Le Fleming Burrow
Lucy Butcher
Sarah Buzink
Michael Byrne
Chrissy Bywater
Ana Caise
Anna Caithness
Adrienne Calder
Vera Caleça
Vicki Campbell
Kristen Capaccio
Fabio Capelli
Jacqueline Carbines
Tina Carey
Pablo Cariello
John Carlson
Peta Carney
Bourgois Carole
Sholto Carr
Mark Carryer
Jennifer Carter
Sam Carter
Irene Casey
Leyna Casey
Meg Casey
Carolyn Casey
Jimelle Casilan
Mafalda Castro
Gracio Cecilia
Isabel Cervera
Victoria Di Cesare
Steve Challenger
Melanie Chapman
Tim Charbonneau
Stacie Charlebois
Chris Charteris-Wright
Nicholas Chatfield
Joanne Cheng
Marilyne Chenuet
Franck Choplin
Paul Christos
Maree Chspman
Matthieu Claramunt
Rae Clark
Phil Clatworthy
Dianne Clayton
Larissa Cleave
Jan Cleghorn
Fiona Clements
Brian Close
Robert Cloutman
Richard Coales
Louise Cobham
Jackie Cockeram
Warren Colby
Tracy Cole
John Coleman
Christine Coles
Mike Von Collas
Greg Collins
Jorge Conceição
Diana Conkerton
Krystine Connell
Todd Connon
Necole Cook
Peter Cooke
Christine Cools
Christine Cools
Louise Cooper
Tommo Cooper-Cuthbert
Angelina Coriani
Claudia Correia
Bob Cotterill
Jasmine Couch
Rowena Coulsby
Sue Cowell
D J Cox
Lara Coxhead
Karen Crabtree
George Craciun
Julia Cranmer
Sopha Crawford
Janet Crawford
Dr Terry Creagh
Stina Croné
Ariel Cronin
Irene Cross
Pauline Crowe
Sekeeta Crowley
Kurt Cruger
Jeronimo De la cruz
Patrick Cusack
David Cutfield
Javad Dadvand
Elisabet Dale
Tanya Dalgleish
Aidan Daly
Dorothy Dalziell
Paulo Daniel
Bárbara Dantas
Maggie Davidson
Jane Davidson
Otis Davidson
Judi Davies
Katie Davies
Andrew Davies
Kay Davis
Jacqui Davis
Rosie Davison
Julia Dawson
Nick Dawson
Christian Defilippo
DM Degenhart
Alexandra Dejong
David Delamore
Bebby Dennis
Paula Detant
Yo Detemmerman
Victoria Devi
Karla Devine
Robert Dew
Sharon Dewhurst
Judy Dick
Marieke Dijkstra
Ewa Dillberg
Richie Dillon
Ainga Dobbelaere
Dorothee Doerner
Gennie and Richard Donald
Dianne Douglas
Dr Janet Downs
April Doyle
Chris Drumright
Benoit Duhourcq
Renee Dumas
Grant Dunlop
Robert Dunn
David Dunnion
Amanda Dunns
Georges Dupras
Reuben Durent
Kym Eagleson
Liz Earth
Nicholas Easterbrook-Smith
Rick Easton
Henrik Eberhardt
Hamid Ebrahimi
Brenda Eckberg
Pat Edgar
Matthew Eggers
Gergely Egyed
Lisa Ekenberg
Caroline Ekeroth
Beth Elliot
Jane Elliott
Sarah Emmett
Angelika Engels
Elaine Engman
Catherine Ensor
Ilse-Marie Erl
Jessica Evans
Jessica Evans
Isobel Ewing
Gerard Fagan
Fahad Al Fahad
Nicola De Fano
Mignon Färber
Collette Farnol
Syreeta Farrell
Nicole Farry
Yvonne Fast
Albert Fecko
Miriam Feehily
Peter Feldhammer
Gayle Ferguson
Jane Ferguson
Jessica Fernandez
Marcos Elenildo Ferreira
Anandi Feuereisova
Karen Field
Clayton Cunha Filho
Leanne Finn
Jason Fish
Vincent E FitzGerald
Lisa Fitzgibbon
Howard Fleming
Tina Florell
Diane Flynn
Sara Fogan
Elisa Fogliacco
Julia Fomison
Graça Fonseca
Sara Fontani
Charles For
David Ford
Vicky Forrest
Zoe Foster
Joan Fournier
Louisa-Jill Fowler
Stephanie C. Fox
Mayra Francisco
Arturo Franco
Evelyn Fraser
Pamela Freeman
Marion Friedl
Rolf Friis
Jim Frost
Chris Fry
Sylvie Fuchs
Trish Fuller
Beaumont Furniss
Emme G
Ne?etoli Gabriela
Bruno Gaebler
Dana Galbavy
Kathryn Gallie
Louie Galloway
Roberto Gambi
Laura Garcés
Ruth Garcia
Romane gardes
Gerard Gardner
Celia Garrinhas
Agata Gasior
Melissa Gaskins
Elizabeth Gaywood
Helena Gebrier
Jesse Gennarelli
Kate Gere
Sylvie Gevaert
Sudeshna Ghosh
Vanessa Gil
Jes Gilbert
Fiona Gilbert
Carol Gillingham
Hannah Gilmore
Jane-Anne Gilson
Linda Giltrap
Neera Giri
Phil Given
Sandra Glad
Perri Glass
Joan Glasser
Mark Glasser
Eveline Glötzl
Douwe Goedhart
Hester Goedhart
Nola Goldstone
Evelyn Gonzalez
Yazmin Gonzalez
Andrew Goodson
Rebecca Goosen
Jesse Gore
Lucy Gough
Michael Gould
Sarah Granich
Holly Graves
Yvonne Gray
Penny Gray
Travers Gray
Lynette Green
Philip Greene
Philip Greene
Alan Greenhead
Barbara Greenwood
Gillian Gregory
Nancy Gregory
Anne Grice
Christine Grove
Christine Grove
Beatrice Grove
LeRoy Gruber
Line Guertin
Rick Guest
Gillie Guest
Guylaine Guillemain
Monika Gutte
Laura Guttridge
Elizabeth H
Anthony Habib
Monica Haddad
Tyler Hall
Sadie Hall
Cindy Hall
Nathan Hall
Richard Hallam
Daniele Halle
Daniele Halle
Tracy Hamilton
Marie Hanulak
Eirik Harildstad
Julie Harrell
Rosey Harris
Vanessa Harrison
Laura Hartnik
Grayham Harvey
Steph Haskell
Paula Hasler
Barbara Hastelow
Edina Hatvani
Michele Haudebourg
Frederique Hauselmann
Dinah Hawken
Wayne Hawkins
Jeanne Hawkins
Amanda Hay
Christine Hayman
Sophie Haynes
Margaret Hazelton
Ian Healey
Jim Hebert
Jim Hebert
Nancy Heck
Harrie van der Heijden
Emma Henderson
Christiane Henker
Lucci Hennah
Tosch Henrikson
Adam Hepburn
Marion Herkhof
Tine Hertmans
Rik Heuschling
Elizabeth Hickman
Joan Hicks
Richard Hieber
Nancy Higgins
Rachel Highton
Mike Higson
Valerie Hildebrand
John Hill
Denis Hillman
Craig Hines
Anne Hissey
Nancy Hoerman
Rabea Hoffmann
Cornelia Hofstaetter
Sally Hogg
Maria Höglander
Rebecca Holliday
Mark Hollinrake
Terry Holton
Peggy Hoo
Graham Hood
Quintin Hood
Niamh Horgan
Katy Horwood
Dennisghosking Hosking
Kirsten Hough
Kelly Huang
Emily Huber
Kevin Hughes
Eleanor Hulsman
Ted Hume
Jane Hunter
Harald Hutterer
Claudia Iamandi
Maria Gabriella Imbesi
Shannon Inglis
Don Innes
Federica Inverardi
Marijke van Iperen
Trish Irving
Grace Irwin
Nicole Isabey
Todor Ivanov
Hilary Jackson
Linda Jackson
Ron Jackson
Ivor Jackson
Sasha Jackson
Carole Jackson
Valerie Jacobsen
Nathalie Jacquemart
Nicholas James
Karen James
Helen James
Karen Jamieson
Michele Jankelow
Hermanda Janssen
Lidija Jarni
Henrik Jarolf
Anna Jasiukiewicz
Samar Jit
Alexander Jobbitt
Erica Johanson
Ellen Johansson
Gloria St John
Roger Johnson
Maryanne Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Sandra Johnston
Nicky Jones
Stephen Jones
Verina Jones
Krystal Jordan
Esther Juhl
Marina Julian
Reinhold Jung
Ung-alin Jungsakulrujirek
Ali Junhadi
lesley Kaiser
Maggie Kalabakas
Dimitri Kanaris
Abtin Karimi
Litsa Katsarou
Maureen Katterns
Sandy Kavoyianni
Sean Kearney
Terence Keller
Anita Keller
Dorinda Kelley
William Kelly
Wendy Kempsell
Andrew Kennedy-Smith
Lorna Kepes
Andrew Kepple
Lynne Kerr
Judith Keylock
Kafa Khalaf
M Kincer
Nigel King
Simon Kippenberg
Erica Kirby
Debbie Kirkbride
Natalie Kirman
Daniel Kirsch
Adrienn Kiss
Ozzie Kitchen
Richard Kite
Jana Kitzinger
Hilde Kjøstvedt
Svetlana Klimova
Maria Kljuce
Carole Klumb
Meredith Knight
Tanya Knighton
Marilyn Koff
Evagelia Koimtzi
Tui Komene
Anita Kormendi
Chris Kosiancic
Marylène Koukiadaki
Marie Kovar
Jan Kraft
Hanno Krauhs
Marion Kraus
Doug Krause
Robert Kresanek
Susanne Kriener
Renate Krillman
Nikhil Kumar
Hans-Joachim Kurth
Bernarda Kurz
Ellen Kwait
Naomi Laki
Bente Lambrecht
Martin Landa
Fiona Lane
Eva Lange
Chris Lanigan
David Laramie
Hooman Larimi
Summer Larsen
Nazzareno Laudi
Alex Laurin
Peter Lauterbach
Kathleen Lavelle
Elin Laven
Jennifer Lawrence
perry Layne
Huy Le
Yoann Ledey
Jisoo Lee
Elsa Lee
Sara Lee-Sawyer
Li Legler
Rebekka Lehmann
Jose Leroux
Anasuya Lerwill
John Lerwill
Lore Leseberg
Tammy Lettieri
Maxim Leusink
Xavier Levaux
Lacey Levitt
Donna Lewis
Trevor Lewis
Wilhelmina Li
Susan Liddell
Ian Lightbody
Sabrina Lince
Karin Lindberg
Kees van der Linden
Irma van der Linden
Joshua Lindsay
Lotta Lindsjö
Cris Lion
Ariana Little
Jocelyn Livesey
Sabina Lobitz
Bruce Lockie
Jamyang Lodoe
Bruce Logan
Jane Lomas
Tine Lonborg
Lesley Lord
Claire Loridan
Chris Louth
John Lovell
Jennifer Low
Samantha Lucas
Isa Luerssen
Mariana Lukacova
Jutka Lupovici
Tanya Lyders
Anna Macaulay
Carmencita Tedman MacIntyre
Penny Mackenzie
Kalina Mackowska
Michelle Macy
Kendra Madden
ilse Maene
Paola Monica Maffeis
Aly Maggard
Eliana Magno
Maria Vitória Magri
Ales Majsler
Caroline Malan
Naseem Malek
Elliot Mallard
Hector Mallet
Elena Maltseva
Lena Mamleeva
cave man
Koen Van de Manacker
Sandra Manegre
Milena Manganelli
Nehuen De la mano
Greg Marcar
Krystyna Marcjoniak
Orna Mark
Alfred Marshall
Christopher Marshall
Martina Martens
Rhonda Martin
Laura Martinoni
Dawn Mason
Janine Mason
Valentina Massetti
Caique Massoni
Emilia Mastri
Sandra Materi
Amy Mathers
Kaze Matheson
Lyla Mayn
Lisa Mazzola
Susan Ira McAndrew
Ellen McConnell
Richard McCulloch
Elizabeth McCullough
Ben McDonald
Phoebe McIntosh
John McIver
Annie McMahon
Gail McMullen
Jessie McVeagh
Cristina Medrano
Debbie Meehan
Nev Meehan
Elaine Meeklah
Connie De Meirschman
Marijke Melens
Sabrina Meneghi
Katrina Mentis
Caterina Merello
Mohammed Messoudi
Noemie Metzinger
Emma Meunier
Colonel Meyer
Polly Meyrick
Debra Mickelborough
Susan Middleton
Jill Midgley
Monica Mihaela
Aleksandr Mihailow
Jane Milburn
Marie Mildner
Pamela Miller
Fiona Millward
Dragana Mirkovic
Pete Mitchell
John Mitchell
Camelia Mitu
Agnieszka Mizera
Jan Modjeski
Russell Moffat
John Moffatt
Pascal Molineaux
Cecilia Moller
Myriam Monfort
Coralie Montalbano
Hector Monzo
Jane Moody
Rebekah Moore
Melissa Moore
Vicky Moraiti
Giuliana Morani
Danna Morgan
Jan Morganti
Sue Morrison
Carina Mortzfeld
John Moszyk
Petra Mourtzoukou
Frédéric Mouveaux
Maggie Muir
Bernardo Alayza Mujica
James Mulcare
Sian Mullane
Wolf Müller
Barbara Murphy
Sharon Murphy
Caoimhe Murphy-twhigg
Tarshito Music
Katharine Myrtle
Youvin Naidoo
Matthieu Nappée
Janet Neesham
Abi Kirby Neill
Igor Nekrep
Virginia Nelson
Roland Nerb
George Neste
Lisa Neste
Xenia Nettleton
Jessica Neubeck
Kaylie-Skye Newman
Mark Newman
Carole Newsome
Roland Ng
Juanita NicFhionghuin-Gee
Adrienne Nicholls
Dawn Nicholls
Christine Nicholson
Edith Niederlander
Carmine Nigro
Marie-Christine Noel
Helle Norberg
Valerie Nordberg
Marie-Louise Nordeman
Robin Notter
Maria Nowicki
Paulo Nührich
Barbara Nunn
Helen Nyaga
Mathew O’Hagan
Sarah O’raw
Stephanie Oates
Michelle Oberg
Deanne O'Donnell
Donna O'donnell
Marion van Oeveren
Sonia Ogier
Lorrie Ogren
Jared Oliver
Gianfranco Ometto
Shaun O'Neill
Jonathan Oosterman
Anne O'regan
Yevrah Ornstein
Mauricio Otero
Tina Overland
Joan Oxlee
Dogan Ozkan
Maïlys Pak-Bishop
John Palmer
Liz Palmer
Deb Palmer
Ewa Pardo
Jane Parker
John Parker
Will Parkyn
Kathleen Parris
Michelle Parsons
Kevin Pasco
John Pasqua
Valerie Patton
Lori Paul
Neil Peacock
Jacqueline Peipert
Susan Peirce
Josh Pelleg
Richard Pendarvis
Tarina Pendlebury
Kelly Penning
Sandra Pereyra
Valerie Perkins
Diana Perry
Lydia Peters
Per Petersen
Bente Petersen
Ninni Petersson
Diethart Peters-Walker
Eli Phillips
Laura Piechutzki
Marco Pierantoni
Rosalia Pimm
Steve Piner
William Pitts
Sylvia Pivko
Ewan Plant
Heather Plunkett
Martyna Polak
Adrienne Pollock
Raphaël PONCE
Douglas Poore
Dave Popoff
Simon Potter
Doris Potter
Francis Pou
Katie Pragg
Annemarie Prairie
Michelle Du Preez
Mark Prisco
Debbie Purdom
Csak Pusztai
Katherine Quigley
Christine Radcliffe
Christine Radford
Erihi Rainey
Guna Rajah
Lorenzo Ramero
Americo Ramos
Walter Ramsey
Leeanne Rangiheuea
James Rankin
Tom Rarey
Greg Ratkovsky
Ria Ray
Lucien Rayp
Gianluca Razzauti
Verona ReBow
Tania Redshaw
Barbara Ann Reece
Lenore Reeves
N Refes
Gareth Rego
Adelheid Reichling
Stephen Reid
Misti Reif
Sandra Remilien
Sarah Renz
Melanie Wi Repa
Arnita Repia
Klaus Rexer
Thomas Reynolds
Richard Rheder
Rui Ribeiro
Michelle Rice
Nigel Rice
Joy Richards
Anthony Richardson
Alan Richardson
Jeanette Richardson
Elisabeth Richter
Glenn Riddell
Tanja Rieger
Jennifer Riley
Esther Ritter
Gary Robertson
Paul Robinson
Brenda Robinson
Steven Robinson
Adele Robinson
Wayne Robson
Samantha Roderique
L Rodriguez
Pamela Rogers
Pamela Rogers
Michaela Rohr
Samantha Rosa-Re
Jean du Ross
Daniela Rossi
Clarissa Rothmann
Charles Round-Turner
Wayne Rowe
V Rozario
Birgit Rubensdoerffer
Bill Rubin
Catherine Rudolf
Molmenti Ruggero
Andrew Rundle-keswick
Margaret Runfors
Charlene Rush
Andrzej Rusian
Linda Russell
Steve Russell
Joe Ruther
Don Ryder
Steve S
Charlotte Safieh
Tan Salewski
Joshua Salter
Susan Sam
Joan Samara
Amanda Sammut
Andreas Sander
Thomas Sanders
Joaquín Santiago
Catarina Santos
Diana Saraswati
Isabella Sartori
Jaume Satorra
Tayla Saunders
L Saunders
Antonio Scabia
John M Schaus
Anke Scheinert
Marie Schiffbenker
Ursula Schilg
R. Schmeling
Christiane Schmitz
Astrid Schmör
Bea van Schoote
Louis Schornoz
Bettina Schwedler
Danny Segers
Renee Sell
Robert Abela Serra
Ragen Serra
Jasna Sever
Caroline Sévilla
Michelle Sewald
Frankie Seymour
Belinda Sharp
Jared Sheffield
Victoria Shrimpton
Margarita Sigala
Kevin Silvey
Kate Simcock
Fiona Simpson
Garland Simpson
Mat Simpson
Tejpal Singh
Itwinder Singh
Pauline Sitter
Geoff Skews
Sharon Skufca
Maurizio Slanzi
Hoana Smith
Miriam Smith
Steve Smith
Nadia-Marina Smith
Jenny Smith
Lee Smith
Richard Smith
Judith Smith
Jock Smith
Marshall Smith
Jeremy Smith
Kate Smorodina
Rosie Smyth
Michelle Snape
Charissa Snijders
Rachel Snoep
Susana Soares
Maria Soares
Anne Soderman
Lukas Soland
Silvia Soto-bussard
Rafael Sousa
David Southcombe
Peter Souza
Issaqueena Sparks
Diane Sparks
Martha Spencer
Ilya Speranza
Lauren Standen
Annette Stanford
Jack Stansfield
Chris Stanton
Jean Starck
Annicka Stassos
Johannes Van Staveren
Courtney Stefano
Ana Stefanoni
Heleen Steffen
Catherine Steiner
Annemie Ster
Phie Sterry
Nan Stevenson
Suzanne Stevenson
Lloyd Stockman
Vladimir Stoilov
Susanna Stone
Jess Strang
Jessica Strathdee
Trevor Streat
Anne Streeter
Nasima Sultana
haustete sylvie
Alison Symmons
Russell Symonds
Elena Tamalio
Queenie Tan
Simone Tang
Becs Tanner
Nik Tarrant-Rossi
Valerie Tasker
David Tate
Priscilla Taylor
Shanee Taylor
Gunda Tente
Roman Tesar
Natacha Thies
Hillary Thiphakone
Akasamati Thompson
Linda Thompson
Karsten Thorhauge
Merrie Thornburg
Bronwyn Thurston
Molly Timmins
Maximilien Tisserand
Linda Tocker
Sandra Todd
Sandy Tolantin
Beth Tolley
Alexandra Torreskrushinski
Sophie Toutain
Matilda Towers
Lynda Trenberth
Paula Trimborn
Jim Trubuhovich
Emily Truman
Sam Turner
Angeline Tuscher
Joe Tutt
Philip Twigge
Dee Twiss
Liam Tyrrell
Lisa Uccelli
Antonio Ugolini
Gene Ulmer
Jesse Ung
Mireille Urbain
Chris Usami
Lucilla Vacondio
jennifer valentine
Miriam Valeri
Lily Valiquette
Maria Valkenburg
Rebeka Valovicova
Ingrid Vanderpoel
Rafael Vargas
Editha Vennik
Lucia Vera
Oscar G. Vergara
Francis Verity
Janice Verrall
Thierry Versmissen
Ilva Vezzaro
Francisco Vilches
Oscar Real Villapalos
Sarah Vink
Andreas Vlasiadis
Geert Van de Vorstenbosch
Vera Vostinar
Jaspar Vowden
Frank Vromans
Jesse W.
Jon Waernelius
Katrine Waite
Tamara Wakelin
Rita Wale
Gayleen Walker
Karen Walker
Flynn Walker
Andrew Wallace
Alison Walls
Marcie Walter
Nadine Wantz
Sheila Ward
Adam Wareing
Yvonne Warren
Gillian Warren
Susan Washington
Marion Waswo
Marion Waswo
Jesse Watson
Belinda Watt
Michelle Watt
Sarah Webb
Andrew Webster
Sarah Welch
Kim Wells
Katie West
Christiane Westerburg
Sacha Whellams
Kerrithy Whitaker
Carlo Wiegand
Kimberly Wiley
Janice Wilfing
Natalie Wilkinson
Randy Will
Freddie Williams
Carol Williams
David Williams
Terrie Williams
Jesse Williams
Seth Williams
Dory Williams
Natascha Wilson
Linda Wing
Amber Wingerson
Tamsin Winston
Sonja De Winter
Anita Wisch
Anita Wisch
Cornelia Wolmarans
Heidi Wood
Mike Wood
Mike Wood
Wiremu Woodard
John Wooles
Syd Woolrich
Mark Worth
Ash Ww
Jingru Xu
Phillip Yan
Hina Yusufi
Mihalis Z
Rebekka Zahl
Andrea Zahorak
Yvonne Zandbergen
Lina Zanellato
Karen Zimmerman
Gaby Zimmermann
Donna Zsoldos
Britta Züblin
Patricia Zuiderwijk