Renewables statistics
On this page you can find the data tables for renewable energy resources in New Zealand. These include hydro, wind, geothermal, solar, woody biomass, biogas and liquid biofuels.
Data tables for renewables
This spreadsheet contains the latest data on renewable energy resources in New Zealand. The tables are updated yearly.
Data tables for renewables [XLSX, 76 KB]
Renewable resources in the NZ energy supply
A large amount of New Zealand's total primary energy supply (TPES) comes from renewable resources. Hydro, geothermal, wind and bioenergy are used to produce electricity in New Zealand. For more information on electricity generation see the Electricity section in Energy in New Zealand.
New Zealand is a country rich in geothermal resources because of the many volcanic areas, and faults and tectonic features. Geothermal energy is the fuel type with the largest contribution to the TPES but electricity generated from geothermal energy is a much lower proportion. Because geothermal fluid is much lower in temperature than steam produced by coal or a gas boiler, the transformation efficiency to electricity is much lower. The efficiency is around 15%, and for this reason geothermal energy supplies less than a fifth of New Zealand's electricity even though it contributes to over half of the renewable energy supply.
For more information see the renewables section in Energy in New Zealand.
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