Annex 2

Interim Hydrogen Roadmap public consultation discussion questions.

Discussion questions
1 Are there other issues we should be considering in our assessment of the strategic landscape for hydrogen in New Zealand?
2 Do you agree with our assessment of the most viable use cases of hydrogen in New Zealand's energy transition?
3 Do you support some of these uses more than others?
4 What other factors should we be considering when assessing the right roles for hydrogen in New Zealand's energy transition?
5 Do you agree with this assessment of the potential for hydrogen supply and demand in New Zealand?
6 Do you agree with the key factors we have set out that are likely to determine how hydrogen deployment could play out?
7 What do you think needs to happen to address these factors?
8 Do you have any evidence to help us build a clearer picture?
9 Do you agree with our findings on the potential for hydrogen to contribute to New Zealand's emissions reduction, energy security and resilience and economic outcomes?
10 Do you have any insights we should consider on what is needed to make hydrogen commercially viable?
11 Is there any further evidence you think we should be considering?
12 Do you agree with our policy objectives?
13 Do you agree with our positioning on hydrogen's renewable electricity impacts and export sector?
14 Do you agree with the proposed actions and considerations we have made under each focus area?
15 Is there any evidence we should be considering to better target actions in the final Hydrogen Roadmap?