
The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) published an Interim Hydrogen Roadmap (the Interim Roadmap) on 9 August 2023 to test initial positions and proposed actions, on the role of hydrogen as part of New Zealand’s energy transition.

The Interim Roadmap was informed by regional stakeholder workshops in late 2022 and early 2023. The Interim Roadmap outlined:

  • strategic opportunities within New Zealand’s energy system for hydrogen to support emissions reductions (particularly for hard-to-electrify applications), economic development and contribute to New Zealand’s energy security and resilience.
  • scenario modelling commissioned to inform development of the Interim Roadmap. This modelling estimated that hydrogen production using renewable electricity could require significant additional generation capacity above the amounts estimated in electricity forecasts to date.
  • an initial position on the potential for the export of hydrogen or derivatives from New Zealand, and the possible implications and trade-offs for the electricity system.
  • signalled government actions to address the identified barriers to hydrogen deployment in New Zealand. Proposals included establishing a government and sector body, undertaking a regulatory work programme to enable safe use of common infrastructure and enable near-term use cases and exploring the need for certification of emissions content. It also highlighted the two hydrogen-related initiatives announced as part of Budget 2023 – the Regional Hydrogen Transition consumer rebate scheme and the Clean Heavy Vehicle Grant scheme.
  • areas meriting further consideration for developing a final Hydrogen Roadmap. This included work to:
    • test our estimates of the supply and demand of hydrogen when considering the wider energy system and potential alternatives to hydrogen
    • better understand the implications of hydrogen production on the electricity system
    • further explore challenges to commercial viability, particularly in the next decade.

Navigating this document

This document provides a high-level summary of the feedback received on the Interim Roadmap. The Interim Roadmap included 15 discussion questions to guide submissions (refer Annex 2).

Annex 2 - List of discussion document questions

For the purposes of this summary, we have used common terminology throughout for the numbers of submissions that shared a similar view, as set out in Table 1.

Table 1: Definitions of numerical terminology used in this document

Terminology Number of responses
One / single / a 1
Two 2
Some / several 3 to 10
Many / large proportion Up to 50% of responses
Most / a majority Over 50% of responses
Unanimously  All responses

Throughout this document we refer to groups of submitters in the categories outlined in Table 2 and a full list of submitter groups and organisations is included in Annex 1.

Annex 1: List of submitter groups and organisations

Table 2: Categories of submitters used in this document

Submitter category Number of submissions Submitter category Number of submissions
Unions 1 Environmental groups 5
Industrial hydrogen users 3 Electricity generators and retailers 7
Iwi and Māori organisations 4 Central and local government organisations 7
Academia 6 Active or potential hydrogen suppliers and/or producers 9
Private sector organisations or joint ventures 5 Industry organisations 11
Transport hydrogen users 5 Private individuals 16

We have also coded statements made in submissions into theme areas. These theme areas are outlined in Table 3 and broadly track the structure of the Interim Roadmap document. We have taken this approach to quantifying submissions and coding statements into themes as:

  • submitters did not always answer every question and in some cases they provided general or overarching commentary on the Interim Roadmap
  • many submissions included information in one question that had statements relevant to other/multiple questions
  • some submissions include the views of multiple organisations or individuals (e.g. a collective or industry organisation)

Table 3: Themes used in this document

Theme Description of how submissions were tagged to the theme
Key messages and strategic case Overarching or contextual comments within a submission that are not directly addressed at one of the theme areas below.
Hydrogen use cases Commentary on the different potential use cases for hydrogen.
Hydrogen’s impact on emissions reduction, economic development and energy security and resilience outcomes Comments on the objective's hydrogen could contribute to. This included objectives highlighted in the Interim Roadmap, and additional objective areas.
Production and storage methods Commentary on different methods for making and storing hydrogen.
Electricity system interfaces Views on the implications of hydrogen production for required electricity generation and supporting infrastructure, and potential effects on electricity prices.
Exporting hydrogen Comments relating to potential future export of hydrogen from New Zealand, and possible implications.
The role of government General comments about the role of government, that are not specifically in relation to one of the other theme areas.
Modelling and scenarios Comments on the scenario modelling prepared to inform the Interim Roadmap.
Commercial viability of hydrogen and policy implications Comments relating to barriers to commercial viability. Includes specific commentary on the Regional Hydrogen Transition and Clean Heavy Vehicle Grant Scheme.
Governance and monitoring Comments relating to the role of government in coordinating activity relating to hydrogen, and feedback on the proposed government and sector body.
Research, development and deployment Commentary on research, development and deployment issues.
Workforce availability and capability Comments relating to the required workforce for hydrogen deployment.
Infrastructure and planning Feedback on infrastructure needs and implications relating to hydrogen, and commentary on the general consenting environment for this infrastructure.
Health and safety regulations and standards Feedback on health and safety matters relating to hydrogen, and the regulatory work programme.
Certification Certification of the emissions intensity of hydrogen production, and role for government.
International partnerships Commentary on the role of international partnerships in hydrogen deployment in New Zealand.
Public perception Comments relating to public perception of hydrogen and social licence.
Next steps and final hydrogen roadmap Commentary on current thinking on the opportunities for hydrogen and the Government’s role to help realise these, as well as plans to release a final hydrogen roadmap alongside the New Zealand Energy Strategy.