Overview of submissions

MBIE received 79 written submissions to the Interim Roadmap public consultation. In addition, MBIE received feedback on the Interim Roadmap through a series of meetings with key stakeholders.

The Interim Hydrogen Roadmap was well-received by most submitters. Support indicated for hydrogen use cases was mostly for hard-to-electrify applications, and where hydrogen could contribute to lowering hard-to-abate industry emissions. While most submitters covered a wide range of issues and themes in their feedback, they broadly fitted into three groups in terms of their main areas of focus:

  • Environmental groups and a number of private submitters voiced strong concerns, particularly around hydrogen leakage, greenhouse gas emissions during production processes, safety concerns, efficiency, resource use and environmental implications (e.g. water use). They also had concerns about electricity implications, including the impact of additional demand for electricity on prices.
  • The hydrogen sector and electricity generators see a strong role for government and want more clarity, drive and clear signalling. This includes regulatory frameworks, a position on certification, financial supports and clearer direction on the path to scaling up in the 2020s.
  • Other submitters supported consideration of alternative production methods or further analysis of alternative technologies. Some submitters (mainly from the gas sector) supported consideration of other hydrogen production methods including grey hydrogen and blue hydrogen as transitional pathway towards green hydrogen. Some research groups considered further analysis is needed on alternative fuels and energy options before committing to technology-specific approaches. These submitters also supported a government energy strategy before finalising a hydrogen roadmap.