Reviews of the Commerce Act 1986
We carry out periodic reviews of the Commerce Act to ensure it reflects modern regulatory practice and continues to deliver benefits to New Zealanders.
The Commerce Act is New Zealand's generic competition law. It also provides economic regulation of goods or services in markets with monopoly characteristics.
On this page
In this section
Refreshing competition settings
The Government is progressing an economy-wide programme to improve competition and lift productivity.
Discussion document: Promoting competition in New Zealand – A targeted review of the Commerce Act 19
Seeking feedback on Parts 2 and 3 of the Commerce Act 1986 and other changes to ensure the Act is fit for purpose
Review of section 36 of the Commerce Act and other matters
The Government has taken legislation through Parliament to change New Zealand’s law relating to the misuse of market power (section 36 of the Commerce Act), along with other minor changes to the treatment of intellectual property rights and covenants in the Commerce Act.
Commerce Amendment Act 2018
The Commerce Amendment Act 2018 provides for market studies, improved airport regulation and enforceable undertakings.
Targeted review of the Commerce Act 2015
This targeted review of the Commerce Act looked at the misuse of market power, market studies and alternative enforcement mechanisms.
Criminalisation of cartels 2018-19
The Commerce (Criminalisation of Cartels) Amendment Act 2019 amends the Commerce Act 1986 to introduce a criminal offence for cartel conduct.
Cartels and collaborative activities 2017
The Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2017 redefines the prohibition against cartels to refer to the 3 ways in which businesses may lessen competition between each other.
Past reviews of the Commerce Act
This page summarises previous reviews of the Commerce Act.