Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa

Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa (AMA) is a new cross-sector incorporated society representing manufacturing businesses across the country. It will be industry-driven and work alongside all stakeholders to coordinate business-led initiatives that help deliver Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) outcomes.

Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP)

Business-led ITP initiatives

  • Initiative 15: Strengthening Advanced Manufacturing networks
  • Initiative 6: Individual development plans
  • Initiative 8: Attraction strategy to increase workers and diversity
  • Initiative 13: Improving understanding and perceptions of manufacturing.

AMA will seek proposals for, assess, and make recommendations to the steering group, for each of the initiatives above. This will be done in conjunction with the AMA Council, which will co-ordinate 10 Regional Manufacturing Working Groups, and the AMA Board, made up of six independent directors and a chairperson. It will review progress against KPIs for particular initiatives as well as management of funding.

These projects will then be considered by the steering group for strategic alignment with the ITP action plan. Once approved, a tendering process will commence followed by contracts.

While an establishment Board and interim Chairperson have been temporarily appointed, nominations are open for both the AMA Council and Board.

How to get involved

Nominations are being sought for the AMA Council and Board, to join the establishment members. The AMA wants to ensure these bodies are truly representative of business, so please contact the interim Executive Director to make your nomination.

You may also want to be part of the 10 Regional Manufacturing Working Groups representing businesses and other partners that are being formed. They will ensure the widest representation from their community and be responsible for engaging with and delivering value to them. Please contact the interim Executive Director for criteria.

Contact the interim Executive Director

Stay informed

The AMA will keep you up to date as it is formed and initiatives get underway. The simplest way to keep up to date now is to contact and be added to its database.

*Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa (AMA) is the umbrella organisation leveraging business networks to implement ITP priorities. It takes an industry-led, collaborative approach to helping deliver initiatives that make a difference.