What is a Long-term Insights Briefing?

Departmental Secretaries/Chief Executives are required to publish a Long-term Insights Briefing (‘Briefing’) at least once every three years.[1] This is a requirement in the Public Service Act 2020.

The purpose of the Briefing is to share:

  • information about medium- and long-term trends, risks and opportunities that affect or may affect New Zealand and New Zealand society
  • information and impartial analysis, including policy options for responding to these matters.

The Briefing is not government policy and is independent of ministers. It provides the chance to better understand and prepare for critical issues affecting our future.

Chief Executives select the subject matter for the Briefing. They do this by taking into account the purpose of the Briefing and those future trends, risks and opportunities that are particularly relevant to their department’s functions.

Chief Executives must consult the public on the proposed subjects of their Briefings. This is the purpose of this paper. They must also consult the public subsequently on their draft Briefing. 

The indicative timeline for the joint MBIE-MFAT Briefing is: 

  • December 2024 to January 2025: Consultation on the proposed topic
  • February 2025: Start development of the Briefing
  • March-May 2025: Engagement
  • June 2025: Consultation on the draft Briefing
  • September 2025: Completion of the Briefing
  • October to November 2025: Select Committee hearing.


[1] Further information on this requirement is available on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s website: www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-programmes/policy-project/long-term-insights-briefings(external link)