Overview of Māori employment outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand

This overview provides a snapshot of key statistics indicating Māori employment outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Employment and unemployment

Bar graphs of the rates of employment and unemployment

Source: Household labour force survey, Stats NZ, September 2021

Underutilisation in the labour market

Pie graphs of underutilisation in the labour market

Source: Household Labour Force Survey, StatsNZ, September 2021.

Employment in Māori-owned businesses

43% of employees of Māori-owned businesses are Māori

14% of employees of non Māori-owned businesses are Māori

Source: Te Matapaeroa 2019, average, with data from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) =, Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) and Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED).


Proportion of Māori and all ethnicities employed in industries,* September 2021

Bar graph of Proportion of Māori and all ethnicities employed in industries, September 2021

* Access to the data used in this study was provided by Stats NZ under conditions designed to give effect to the security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. The results presented in this study are the work of the author, not Stats NZ or individual data suppliers.

Source: Data from the Intergrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), Stats NZ, September 2021.


Proportion of Māori and all peoples employed by occupation*, September 2021

Bar graph of the proportion of Māori and All peoples employed by occupation*, September 2021

* Access to the data used in this study was provided by Stats NZ under conditions designed to give effect to the security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. The results presented in this study are the work of the author, not Stats NZ or individual data suppliers.

Source: Data from the Intergrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), Stats NZ, September 2021.


Volunteer rate Maori All ethnic groups
All volunteer work 23.3% (116,000 workers) 21.5% (834,000 workers)
Organisation based 13.1% (65,000 workers) 12.4% (480,000 workers)
Direct volunteer 13.6% (68,000 workers) 11.8% (460,000 workers)

Source: Household Labour Force Survey, StatsNZ, June 2018, StatsNZ

Median income

Line graph of median incomes

Māori incomes increased by 3.6% from June 2020 to June 2021, and by 30.1%, between June 2016 and June 2021. The median weekly income for Māori is $1,020, which is less than the median weekly income for all ethnic groups.

Source: Income Survey adjusted by the Consumer Price Index, StatsNZ, June 2021. Individual median income from the main wage and salary is used to measure income.

School leavers with NCEA Level 2 or above

Line graph of school leavers with NCEA Level 2 or above

There was an increase in Māori school leavers with NCEA level 2 or above over the past 5 years to 2020 (up 1.0 percentage points) and a slight increase in the most recent year to 2020 (up 0.1 percentage points).

Source: Household Labour Force Survey, Stats NZ and Education Counts, 2010 to 2020.

Bachelors degree or higher qualifications

Line graph of bachelors degree or higher qualifications

The number of Māori aged 25 to 64 years gaining a Bachelors degree or higher qualification increased by 3.3 percentage points between 2015 and 2020, but this is a smaller increase than for all ethnic groups (up 5.6pp).

Source: Household Labour Force Survey, Stats NZ, 2010 to 2020