Our rohe
Tō Mātau Rohe
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The people of our rohe are the central focus of the Hawke’s Bay RSLG and this RWP. Hawke’s Bay has an estimated population of around 181,500 people which continues to grow year on year [Reference: Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Profile. (2021). Infometrics]. Our rohe has a growing workforce that currently sits around 85,000 people and is expected to increase to around 102,000 people by 2035 [Reference: Infometrics Regional Forecasting Analysis provided to MBIE, 2022, unpublished]. Hawke’s Bay is situated on the East Coast of the North Island and consists of four districts: Wairoa, Napier City, Hastings, and Central Hawke’s Bay. Ngāti Kahungunu is the Iwi for Hawke’s Bay and has a number of Post Settlement Governance Entities representing mana whenua and Taiwhenua representing Marae. We are committed to working in partnership with Iwi and Mana Whenua in the rohe to ensure that the principles of Te Tiriti o Te Waitangi are upheld and operational in our Regional Workforce Plan and mahi through a Co-Governance model.
The Hawke’s Bay RSLG are committed to working in with other existing regional strategic plans such as the Matariki Regional Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan, and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Annual Plan, Post Settlement Governance and Taiwhenua workforce development plans. This RWP aligns with the region’s Matariki vision that “Every whānau and every household is actively engaged in and benefitting from growing a thriving Hawke’s Bay economy” and as such is endorsed by the Matariki network.
An ongoing partnership between the RSLG and Matariki is vital to ensure delivery on the action plan is coordinated as we support each other’s mahi going forward. We are committed to working in alignment with the Te Mahere Whai Mahi Māori - the Māori Employment Action Plan. This plan aims to remove barriers and create opportunities for Māori to exercise rangatiratanga to create intergenerational wellbeing through work. Hawke’s Bay has a high number of rangatahi Māori (57% of the Māori population in our rohe was under the age of 30 in 2018) creating opportunities to improve outcomes for Māori through alignment with this plan and focusing on investing in rangatahi programs to build our future workforce.
2018-Census-Place-Summaries. (2018). Hawke’s Bay Region(external link)— Stats NZ