Progress update
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Bronze statue of Pania - a wāhine māori wearing a heru (bone comb), tiki pounamu necklace, and a grass piupiu (skirt), sitting on rock.
The Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) has been working to progress the 2022 Regional Workforce Plan (RWP) actions. Below are some examples of the work to date:
- Worked alongside the Hawke’s Bay Youth Futures Trust and the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (FFCoVE) to scope the breadth of regional pre-employment programmes. The results of the stock take have been published on the FFCoVE website as well as shared with the wider RSLG network and other stakeholders.
- Partnered with the FFCoVE to investigate the most suitable co-lab models options for the region. This has been shared on the FFCoVE website as a resource to assist other groups and organisations looking to develop co-lab models.
- Supported the Ministry of Social Development Jobs and Skills Hub and will continue to do so as they develop their kaupapa to meet the needs of the residential build and cyclone recovery and re-build programme of works.
- Commissioned the FFCoVE to produce a report that outlines the workforce planning methodologies that would achieve quality regional analysis for our rohe. The report has been published on the FFCoVE website.
- Gained a strong understanding of progressive procurement and associated initiatives in our rohe. With this knowledge and established linkages with Amotai, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Agency and Te Puni Kokiri, we recognise the important role this will play in the cyclone recovery and are actively supporting this mahi.
The RSLG’s partnership with the FFCoVE is in response to the first 3 actions in the 2022 Regional Workforce Plan and will support and inform ongoing mahi relating to regional jobs and skills hub models. These hubs support the priority groups in the Regional Workforce Plan:
- wāhine
- school leavers
- work ready job seekers.