Regional aspirations
Ngā Tūmanako o te Rohe
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The RWP has 5 key aspirations founded on the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi):
1. An active treaty partnership
Our mahi is always done in partnership and whānau are intrinsic to decisions and conversations.
Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles underpinned the Hawke’s Bay RSLG’s approach to the development of the Regional Aspirations. Recognising the importance of embedding Te Tiriti into the mahi, the group agree that a partnership approach is the most appropriate way to ensure that the needs of the regional labour market and regional whānau are addressed.
2. A balancing principle
Economic drivers are balanced against the holistic needs of people – our conversations and decisions consider all dimensions.
The group is taking a holistic view that supports the mental health and wellbeing of employers, kaimahi, and job seekers, particularly with respect to the challenges many rangatahi face. To upskill our community, we need look beyond the first steps of just getting people into work.
3. A ‘present versus future’ principle
As a group we respond to what is happening today and at the same time we consider what this means tomorrow.
A two-pronged approach is intended, with a short-term focus on supporting local initiatives through actions and recommendations and a medium-to-longer term focus on stronger relationships between employers, education providers, central and local government agencies and kaimahi.
4. A foresight principle
We consistently cast our thoughts towards the future so that our communities are prepared and equipped to flourish.
This aspiration includes a future focussed workforce where every whānau in the rohe is thriving, through employment, education, health and wellbeing. Coordinating regional partnerships to educate employers about the future workforce to help solve our regional skills issues over the longer term.
5. Sustainable and productive employment
Kaimahi deserve decent work and respectable workplaces.
Decent work delivers a fair income while ensuring the kaimahi and employers wellbeing are valued and supported. Maintaining the employer’s own wellbeing is also important to ensure they are best able to provide the necessary support for their staff. Communities and whānau will also value the jobs and businesses in their community for what they do for households and for the wellbeing of their region.