Pou 2 – Construction
Te Hangahanga
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The construction industry contributed 6.7% to the regional GDP and employed 7,600 people in 2021[1]. Our rohe has roughly 1,400 Licenced Building Practitioners, but this number needs to double to meet current demand. Industry has advised that they have absorbed as much inexperienced labour as they can without compromising on health and safety or quality. Place based training providers have commented they have limited capacity to significantly increase throughput in the short-term and upscaling is at best a medium to long-term solution.
It is anticipated that our rohe will see a vast amount of financial spend from local and central government on regional construction contracts over the next 10 years. Social procurement should play a significant factor in this mahi to enable outcomes which will produce regional growth, both social and economic.
Stakeholder engagement has highlighted the need for broader apprenticeship schemes so apprentices can see that a career in construction has many pathways. Developing pre-trade experience would be a good way to prepare rangatahi with basic life skills to enable them to be ready for a career in the construction sector.
In 2020 (pre-COVID) a Combined Trades Group event which included Engineers, Plumbers, and Builders introduced students to the ‘trades world’ alongside education on sport, fitness and nutrition. This collaborative approach by industry signalled how rangatahi need to be prepared for an industry with strong connections between occupations. The Hawke’s Bay RSLG is well placed to facilitate an ‘all of construction’ dialogue to consider creating a common occupation ecosystem. This will allow rangatahi to see the full breadth of opportunity in construction.
A holistic approach to the needs of kaimahi is becoming increasingly important in our rohe. A te ao Māori approach emphasises the need for kaimahi and employers to look at issues beyond the workplace. The RSLG is committed to working with Iwi, hapū and whānau, to ensure they have a voice in the development of skills and training models.

Case Study — Building Futures and Te Aratika Academy
Mātai Take – Te Waihanga Anamata me Te Wānanga o Te Aratika
There is value in building confidence and developing foundational skills in a supportive environment. Building Futures, Te Aratika Academy, and Te Aratika Industry Training programmes provide opportunities for successful and quality outcomes through support and encouragement, fostering a sustained work ethic, and building resilience. These programmes teach skills including first aid training, driver licensing, budgeting, nutrition and virtual interviews. These skills and support to move into employment following training is invaluable.
Te Aratika Academy, with Te Aratika Industry Training provision ensures that te ao Māori is embedded throughout their programme with the addition of a residential facility for those rangatahi who need that extra support.
One tauira (student) said “the culture and environment at Te Aratika gave me the motivation to be productive and taught me new, positive habits.” He also commented on the importance of creating a comfortable environment, “a good support team at home is vital and I loved being at Te Aratika as it was like home.”
Other feedback provided was that “Building Futures gave me a solid foundation and opened up more options, such as my current construction job and I am now signing up for an apprenticeship too” and that “Building Futures provided a good opportunity to build friendships, get out and build self-confidence.”
[1] Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Profile. (2021). Infometrics.