Focus area: Building better workplaces

A young joiner working in a joinery making a window frame.

Building better workplaces to be more worker friendly, flexible, and inclusive.

These activities focus on improving employer awareness and understanding of the diversity of workers in our workforce, how to improve retention and worker wellbeing, and attract workers.

Year 1 Priorities (2022/2023)

Building better workplaces for our community


Suggested lead and partners

Explore and implement programmes to assist employers to develop skills in good employment practices.

MBIE, supported by Upskill West Coast, TPP/Te Pūkenga, Business NZ, businesses/sector leaders, iwi, local government, MPI, MBIE, TPK, MSD/ Connected.

Years 2-3 (2023-2025)

Creating positive work environments and job structure


Suggested lead and partners

Educate and support employers and businesses about the benefits of adopting flexible working conditions/ hours of work/ job sharing.

Upskill West Coast, supported by MBIE, WorkSafe, DWC, Business/ industry associations, TEC, WDCs, Local government.

Inclusive workplaces supportive of all ages, sexes, and cultures


Suggested lead and partners

Assist employers to create a workplace that fosters worker well-being by helping build skills and cultural capability to manage and include a diverse workforce.

MBIE/TPK/MCH, supported by DWC, Businesses/industry associations, Business NZ, iwi, Local government/MTFJ.

Attraction and recruitment of skilled workers


Suggested lead and partners

Support and investigate collaborative funding for Upskill West Coast to enable the ongoing provision of its current recruitment service to attract and match skilled workers with local businesses.

Upskill West Coast, supported by DWC, MSD/Connected, MBIE/RSLG, Businesses/industry associations, Local government/MTFJ.

Promote the ‘Think Rural’ campaign to attract skilled workers to the region. 
The amazing West Coast(external link) — Think Rural

Upskill West Coast, supported by DWC, MSD/Connected, MBIE/RSLG, Businesses/industry associations, Local government/MTFJ.

Years 4-10 (2025-2032)

Creating positive work environments and job structure


Suggested lead and partners

Create an environment where good practice stories and tools can be shared between sectors and businesses.

Upskill West Coast, supported by MBIE, WorkSafe, DWC, Business/ industry associations, TEC, WDCs, Local government

Inclusive workplaces supportive of all ages, sexes, and cultures


Suggested lead and partners

Assist employers to create a workplace that fosters worker well-being by:

  • Providing information about programmes and services such as disability/health and wellness confidence

  • Investing in training and incentives to support employee development and promotion.

MBIE/TPK/MCH, supported by DWC, Businesses/industry associations, Business NZ, Iwi, Local government/MTFJ.

Outputs and outcomes

  • Modern workplaces that support all workers to thrive
  • Common understanding among businesses of good workplace practices
  • Recruitment of skilled labour into Te Tai Poutini
  • Recruitment and support of a diverse workforce - including our priority communities.