Focus area: Young people
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Young people have the skills they need to meet regional forecast job growth and employer needs.
These are actions that target the needs of our youth/rangatahi. It recognises the importance of youth for our future labour market.
Year 1 priorities (2022/2023)
Supporting employment and training opportunities for our rangatahi/youth
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Support the establishment of a Conservation and Biodiversity Academy/ Centre of Excellence across the Coast. |
RSLG/DOC/iwi supported by DWC, TPP/ Te Pūkenga MSD/Connected, Schools/ MOE, BullerREAP, WestREAP, local government |
Address and overcome barriers to our people obtaining driver licences. |
RSLG/Youth and Pathway Advisors supported by TPP/Te Pūkenga, MSD/ Connected, iwi, NZ Police, Schools/ MOE, BullerREAP, WestREAP, West Coast Trades Academy, Waka Kotahi, Salvation Army |
Investigate and build programmes and initiatives to develop work ready / soft skills for our youth e.g., work ethic, dress code, punctuality, and banking/budgeting. |
RSLG/MSD/Connected supported by Education to Employment broker TPP/Te Pūkenga, local government, iwi, Schools/ MOE, BullerREAP, WestREAP, Upskill West Coast, West Coast Trades Academy |
Years 2-3 (2023-2025)
Connect and support young people into training and employment
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
In our schools, increase connection with our priority sectors through initiatives such as: On-job placements and internships, gateway programmes, site visits, and low-cost experiences. |
Coordinator and Education to Employment Pathways Advisors, supported by Schools/MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga, WestREAP & BullerREAP, Upskill West Coast, MSD/Connected, Local government/MTFJ, WDCs and Industry. |
Enhance the services focused on transition and connecting young people to education and employment including improved advertising of jobs, access to local career information, career pathways and work experience opportunities. |
Coordinator and Education to Employment Pathways Advisors, supported by Schools/MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga, WestREAP & BullerREAP, Upskill West Coast, MSD/Connected, Local government/MTFJ, WDCs and Industry. |
Address work ready employability barriers to employment
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Encourage educators and businesses to educate young workers about their employment rights, obligations, and employer expectations. |
Upskill West Coast, supported by MBIE, BullerREAP & WestREAP, Businesses, NZ Police, TPP/Te Pūkenga, Schools/MOE. |
Whānau engagement and pastoral care
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Provide support to parents and caregivers through better access to information to help youth navigate their choices of education and learning/ career pathways. |
TEC, supported by Schools/ careers advisors, MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga, BullerREAP and WestREAP, Iwi, Education to Employment Advisors, WDCs |
Years 4-10 (2025-2032)
Connect and support young people into training and employment
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Support TPP/Te Pūkenga with the new learning model to promote a seamless transition for school leavers into work based, campus, and online learning. |
Coordinator and Education to Employment Pathways Advisors, supported by Schools/MOE TPP/Te Pūkenga WestREAP & BullerREAP West Coast Trades Academy MSD/Connected Local government/MTFJ Businesses, WDCs. |
Actively support the promotion of apprenticeships, and the work others are doing in this area eg MTFJ, Think Rural Campaign, Upskill West Coast and Connected (Mana in Mahi, Apprenticeship Boost etc). |
Coordinator and Education to Employment Pathways Advisors, supported by Schools/MOE TPP/Te Pūkenga WestREAP & BullerREAP West Coast Trades Academy MSD/Connected Local government/MTFJ Businesses, WDCs. |
Address work ready employability barriers to employment
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Investigate existing work ready schemes (such as the MSD run ‘Training for Work’ Programme) to adapt for youth/rangatahi and other priority groups. |
Upskill West Coast, supported by Businesses NZ Police TPP/Te Pūkenga Schools/MOE BullerREAP & WestREAP |
Whānau engagement and pastoral care
Activities |
Suggested lead and partners |
Adopt a whānau centric approach to youth engagement and transition and develop a mentoring programme for youth. |
TEC, supported by Schools/ parents MOE TPP/Te Pūkenga BullerREAP and WestREAP, Iwi Education to Employment Advisors, WDCs. |
Promote existing pastoral care support and services to provide wraparound support to young people to achieve sustainable employment. |
TEC, supported by Schools/ parents MOE TPP/Te Pūkenga BullerREAP and WestREAP, Iwi Education to Employment Advisors, WDCs. |
Outputs and outcomes
- Greater awareness and uptake of existing and the new services under Te Pūkenga model that support education to employment transition
- More locally responsive education and training system
- Youth understand potential career pathways to well paid jobs
- Improved connections between employers, education and training providers and communities
- Increased support to address non-skills barriers including driver licencing and work readiness
- Long term reduction in NEET rates
- Improved pastoral care for young people entering education, training, and the labour market