Focus area: Māori success

A young Māori man leaning on a digger wheel on a construction site.

Māori have the skills and knowledge to succeed at all stages of their careers.

These activities focus on things that we can do to support Māori in our education system and in the workforce.

Year 1 priorities (2022/2023)

Ensuring Māori are supported to successfully participate in our labour market


Suggested lead and partners

Develop and share information with businesses about how workplaces can be more inclusive for Māori and their values.

Iwi and TPK, supported by DWC, MBIE, MSD/Connected, local government, TPP/Te Pūkenga.

Years 2-3 (2023-2025)

Whānau engagement and support


Suggested lead and partners

Educate and inform parents about the diverse career opportunities and pathways available to their rangatahi.

Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK), supported by Iwi, MSD/Connected, MBIE/RSLG, Schools/MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga.

Māori values and aspirations acknowledged


Suggested lead and partners

Support businesses to implement policies and practices that enable Māori to thrive in the workplace.

TPK, supported by MBIE, Iwi, DWC, MSD/Connected, Businesses/Business NZ.

Māori are valued members and contributors to Te Tai Poutini’s economy


Suggested lead and partners

Work with and support iwi to understand their skill development priorities.

TPK, supported by Iwi, Businesses/Business NZ, MBIE, MSD/Connected, DWC, TEC, WDCs

Encourage collaboraton between large employers and local iwi.

TPK, supported by Iwi, Businesses/Business NZ, MBIE, MSD/Connected, DWC, TEC, WDCs

Years 4-10 (2025-2032)

Whānau engagement and support


Suggested lead and partners

Adopt a whānau centric approach to rangatahi engagement to help iwi successfully transition from school into education, training, and work.

Iwi and TPK, supported by TEC, MSD/ Connected, Schools /MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga.

Advocate resourcing of community and/or iwi led strengths-based programmes that provide wrap-around support to rangatahi to achieve sustainable employment.

Iwi and TPK, supported by TEC, MSD/ Connected, Schools /MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga.

Māori values and aspirations acknowledged


Suggested lead and partners

Take account of iwi plans and provide support to iwi to achieve specific labour market outcomes.

Iwi and TPK, supported by MBIE, DWC, MSD/Connected, Businesses/Business NZ.

Support iwi to educate businesses/industry about the opportunities and advantages of our cultural identity and natural environment.

Iwi and TPK, supported by TEC, MSD/Connected, Schools/MOE, TPP/Te Pūkenga.

Māori are valued members and contributors to Te Tai Poutini’s economy


Suggested lead and partners

Build stronger pathways and support for Māori/iwi entrepreneurs and businesses – by Māori for Māori.

Iwi and TPK, supported by Businesses/Business NZ, TEC, DWC, MBIE, MSD/Connected, WDCs.

Outputs and outcomes

  • Improved access to education and training pathways for Māori
  • Higher participation rates of Māori in skilled jobs
  • Businesses understand and value te reo Māori and Māori culture
  • Māori feel supported and valued in workplaces
  • Māori have parity in pay and employment outcomes
  • Increase in Māori/iwi businesses
  • Māori are provided with the skills and support to lead their own development