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Regulatory systems and stewardship
- MBIE’s Regulatory Systems Stewardship Strategy 2023-2028
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On this page
MBIE’s regulatory systems stewardship journey since 2013

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Stewardship Journey Begins
- State Sector Act 2013 amendments include reference to stewardship
- Productivity Commission 2014 report highlights weaknesses in regulatory practices
- MBIE’s 2014 Performance Improvement Framework review challenges MBIE’s stewardship role
Developing Stewardship
- MBIE identifies its systems, publishes its first Regulatory Stewardship Strategy
- MBIE undertakes first review of its regulatory systems
- First Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill developed
- Government Centre for Dispute Resolution (GCDR) established
- MBIE hosts the G-Reg Initiative – with a focus on lifting regulators’ capability
Building Capacity
- Treasury sets ‘Government Expectations for Good Regulatory Practice’
- MBIE identifies regulatory stewardship as one of eight business priorities
Increasing Expectations
- Stewardship expectations included in the Public Service Act 2020
- Regulatory stewardship set as an organisational collective focus area for MBIE
- MBIE establishes Regulatory Stewardship Branch
- Use of Stewardship Maturity Assessment framework is endorsed in MBIE
- GCDR introduces assessment tool for dispute resolution schemes
Building Future Focus
- MBIE’s regulatory systems continue to develop system governance
- MBIE agrees its programme of regulatory stewardship maturity assessments
- MBIE develops Regulatory Systems Stewardship Strategy for 2023-2028