How we’ll implement the strategy
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Implementation approach: Collaboration across MBIE
Delivering this strategy will require sustained support and collaboration across MBIE.
Clarity on roles and responsibilities
The strategy implementation approach takes into account the whole-of-organisation nature of the strategy and the focus on building MBIE’s regulatory capability to embed regulatory stewardship in our everyday practices. The diagram on the following page describes our intended approach. It is designed to provide:
- executive oversight by the Economic Development Regulatory Stewardship Committee (EDRSC) on behalf of the SLT
- a central point of coordination and momentum
- organisational visibility and connection
- collective ownership of progress and implementation.
Acknowledging and connecting with work already underway
MBIE has a full agenda of operational activity and strategic change underway. This strategy is one among many. Implementation will need to accommodate shifting demands on the organisation and its capacity for change over time.
Several pieces of work underway across MBIE complement or contribute to this strategy. The strategy work programme will reflect not only the connection between different strategic responses but also dependencies and connection to other change activities.
Complementary work includes:
- the People-Centred Te Ara Amiorangi collective focus area and strategies, such as the Te Whakatairanga Service Delivery Strategy 2021-2025 and the Immigration NZ Strategy
- the Empowered by Data Te Ara Amiorangi collective focus area, implemented through Data, Digital & Insight’s (DDI) Empowered by Data Roadmap and Digital Blueprint strategies
- the Transitions Pathways Te Ara Amiorangi collective focus area and Te Waka Pūtahitanga’s work on climate change and Te Tāpuhipuhi are examples of organisation-wide approaches to explore and respond to current priorities relevant across regulatory systems.
Focusing on our 2023 goal
SLT set a goal for all of MBIE’s systems to have established regulatory system governance and system risk reporting by December 2023. The focus on supporting our system leaders to achieve this goal is a significant contributor to shaping the work programme for 2023 and 2024.
Maintaining momentum
The changes this strategy seeks to achieve will take time to establish and embed across MBIE and our regulatory systems. The mechanisms to maintain momentum and track progress and impact are:
- progress reporting to EDRSC and SLT – aligned with Te Ara Amiorangi reporting cycles
- annual review of the work programme – to ensure workstreams and associated activities remain relevant, inform budgeting and work planning, and identify and maintain connection and alignment with related strategies and plans across MBIE.
Programme of work
The programme of work, based on the streams of work for each strategic response, will be updated regularly as part of the Te Ara Amiorangi six-monthly reporting cycle and its annual review process.
High level strategy implementation roles and responsibilities

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