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On behalf of the Minister for ACC, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment consulted on the Minister’s proposed changes to regulations made under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 to deal primarily with the following three topics: Chinese medicine, paramedics, and audiometrists.
This consultation proposes to extend the transition period end dates for both the lead and dezincification plumbing product provisions in New Zealand to realign with the transition period end date in Australia, to 1 May 2026.
Have your say on the draft Technical Specification for Structural design actions – Part 5: Earthquake actions – New Zealand (TS1170.5) which focuses on providing updated engineering guidance to determine earthquake loadings when designing new buildings.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) seeks written submissions on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme.
In late 2023, we sought feedback on policy that will set the direction and pace of change for
energy in New Zealand.
We are seeking feedback on land covenants and other land agreements which may lessen competition.
We recently sought feedback as part of the review of the building consent system. This consultation focused on potential options to improve the building consent system.
We recently sought feedback on the exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill (the draft law) and the accompanying discussion document.
The draft law will give customers more control over their data, allowing them to safely and securely access, manage, and share this data with others.
MBIE sought feedback on an exposure draft of the Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023 and initial fees to be charged under the new legislation.
The Tourism Environment Leadership Group, supported by MBIE, are now carefully considering the feedback received and are working towards a final version.