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Proposed minerals strategy to 2040 Submissions due: 31 July 2024, 5pm

The Government is proposing a draft Minerals Strategy to enable a long-term, strategic approach to how we develop our mineral resources (other than petroleum).

Crown Minerals Act 1991 review: consultations on exposure draft of Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Regulations 2022 Closed: 08 July 2022, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on an exposure draft of the proposed Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Regulations 2022 which give effect to the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021.

Consultation on the Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Closed: 01 July 2022, 5pm

The Government previously consulted on a proposal to increase the use of sustainable liquid biofuels in New Zealand to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport. The discussion document, produced by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Transport, outlined the development of regulations to enact the Sustainable Biofuels Obligation.

Proposed infringement offence regulations under the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill Closed: 19 October 2021, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is consulting on proposals for infringement offence regulations under the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.

Review of Crown Minerals Act 1991 Closed: 27 January 2020, 5pm

Submissions are closed on the discussion document for the Review of the Crown Minerals Act 1991. The review sought to ensure the Act’s settings contribute to mining that responsibly balances environmental, social, and economic considerations and meets the evolving needs of New Zealand’s society.

Draft Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy public consultation Closed: 20 September 2019, 5pm

Consultation on the Draft Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy is now closed.