Nationally Significant Collections and Databases

26 Nationally Significant Collections and Databases are directly funded by MBIE for $22 million (excluding GST) to June 2027.

MBIE funding details

MBIE funds 26 Nationally Significant Collections and Databases (NSCDs) through the Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) Infrastructure appropriation. The NSCDs were identified in 1992 and funded on the basis that:

  • the databases and collections are critical for New Zealand science to deliver public benefit
  • the benefits accrue to many, varied users and third party beneficiaries.
  • The NSCDs collectively receive $22 million per annum, and are contracted until June 2027.

In addition to the NSCDs, we indirectly fund other collections and databases through research investments.

About the investment

The Nationally Significant Database or Collections (NSDCs) are research infrastructure platforms funded through the Strategic Science Investment Fund.  The NSCDs are being held on behalf of New Zealand, where continued provision, maintenance and utilisation are critical for New Zealand science to deliver public benefit.

Examples of current uses of scientific collections and databases include scientific research, biosecurity, climate change modelling, land-use planning, conservation, and setting environmental standards.

Funded collections and databases

Further information on the funded collections and databases held by each of the contracted custodians is provided below:

Last updated: 19 February 2025