Infrastructure funded through the Strategic Science Investment Fund

The Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) Infrastructure supports infrastructure with high national benefits that will not emerge during usual business because of the scale, complexity, long duration and multi-user nature of the investment.

Access to high quality research infrastructure is a critical input into excellent science. 

The SSIF allows for greater coordination and impact from this nationally critical infrastructure and currently funds:

  • Advanced genomics research platform
  • Australian Synchrotron
  • Enhanced Geohazards Monitoring
  • Longitudinal Studies
  • Mission Operations Control Centre
  • National eScience Infrastructure
  • Nationally Significant Collections and Databases
  • Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand
  • Research Vessel Tangaroa
  • Review of scientific collections and databases.
In this section

Advanced genomics research platform

The Advanced Genomics Research Platform (Genomics Aotearoa) is funded as a Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) Infrastructure Platform to ensure that New Zealand is internationally participating in and leading the rapidly developing fields of genomics and bioinformatics.

Australian Synchrotron

Funding to the Australian Synchrotron is provided through the New Zealand Synchrotron Group, who are contracted by MBIE for $15.992 million excluding GST over 9 years to September 2026.

Enhanced Geohazards Monitoring

The Government is investing $19.5 million over 4 years in enhancing GeoNet to enable faster, more accurate and available science advice and warnings for major geological events.

Longitudinal studies infrastructure platform

The Government is investing in a Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) infrastructure platform for two nationally significant longitudinal studies, the Christchurch Health and Development Study, and the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Study.

Mission Operations Control Centre

New Zealand is supporting the MethaneSAT Mission by building and operating a Mission Operations Control Centre.

National eScience Infrastructure

NeSI - New Zealand eScience Infrastructure - is New Zealand's computing research infrastructure.

Nationally Significant Collections and Databases

26 Nationally Significant Collections and Databases are directly funded by MBIE for $22 million (excluding GST) to June 2027.

Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand

Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand operates a high-capacity, ultra high-speed national research and education network (NREN).

Research Vessel Tangaroa

This page sets out the details of our contract with NIWA for the Research Vessel Tangaroa.

Review of scientific collections and databases

We are currently reviewing the Government’s investment in scientific collections and databases to ensure an efficient and enduring funding model.

Last updated: 19 December 2024