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current work
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research's science platforms

Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research receives $17.4 million per year of Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) funding for 2 science platforms - Land-based ecosystems and Enhancing land use.

He aka ka toro navigation fund 2023 successful projects

The government has invested in 18 projects that advance iwi, hapū, hapori, and Māori Science, Innovation & Technology (SI&T) priorities. This will allow for stronger deployment of SI&T investment towards communities and rohe/takiwā where Māori knowledge is practiced, and where experts and practitioners are based.

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research science platforms

The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) receives $42.7 million per year for 3 science platforms - Marine environment, Freshwater environment, and Climate and weather hazards.

Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-DLR Joint Research Programme December 2020

MBIE has announced the 12 successful proposals Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-DLR Joint Research Programme December 2020