Consultation on 2025/26 – 2027/28 ACC levies
Published: 13 Dec 2024Cabinet paper seeking agreement to publicly consult on proposed levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28.
PDF, 460KB, 15 pages
ACC levies are set every 3 years. In any given year, levies are intended to be equivalent to the lifetime cost of rehabilitating those who are injured in that year. This excludes the cost of claims made by non-earners (which are government funded) and investment returns.
Setting the levy rates involves trading off a range of competing factors, including fully funding ACC’s Accounts, levy stability, intergenerational equity, collecting the minimum amount necessary, and the public interest.
On 2 December 2024, Cabinet confirmed the proposed levy rates outlined in the table below.
Levy | 2024/25 levy rate | Proposed 2025/26 levy rate | Proposed 2026/27 levy rate | Proposed 2027/28 levy rate | Net increase over 3 years |
Average Motor Vehicle levy | $113.94 per vehicle | $122.84 (+7.8%) |
$131.94 (+7.4%) |
$141.69 (+7.4%) |
$27.75 |
Earners’ levy rate | $1.39 per $100 of liable earnings | $1.45 (+4.3%) |
$1.52 (+4.8%) |
$1.59 (+4.6%) |
$0.20 |
Average Work levy rate | $0.63 per $100 of liable earnings | $0.66 (+4.8%) |
$0.69 (+4.5%) |
$0.72 (+4.3%) |
$0.09 |
The Cost Recovery Impact Statement provides an analysis of the options considered for setting the 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28 levy rates for the Motor Vehicle Account, Earners’ Account, and Work Account.
A range of levy-rated technical policy proposals to improve fairness were also confirmed by Cabinet, these are detailed below and in Regulatory Impact Statements included at the bottom of this page.
Create a new Classification Unit and Levy Risk Group for home improvement stores; modernise the Classification Unit for professional sports and ballet; and create a new Classification Unit for those who do not employ participants.
Remove the No Claims Discount and cross-subsidisation of the Experience Rating framework.
Experience Rating threshold for Medical Fees and Treatment Costs
Increase the threshold for medical and treatment costs used in Experience Rating calculations from $500 to $750.
Changes to a range of costs associated with the running of the Accredited Employers Programme, including administration fees, discounts, bulk-funded public health care costs, stop loss (where there is a high number of work-related accidents within a very short timeframe), and high-cost claims cover (limiting exposure to costs from a single event).
Update the maximum and minimum liable earnings to reflect movement in the Statistics New Zealand Labour Cost Index.
From (current amount) | 2025/26 levy period | 2026/27 levy period | 2027/28 levy period | |
Maximum earnings | $142,283 | $152,790 | $156,641 | $160,244 |
Minimum earnings | $44,250 | $49,365 | $50,501 | $51,632 |
Align the interest rate used for payment plans with the Floating First Mortgage New Customer Housing Rate; use the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s 90-day bank bill rate to set the credit interest rate for ACC; and progress new regulations setting out circumstances where interest charges on levies paid in instalments will be waived or cancelled.
From 1 July 2026, introduce a 25% discount on levies to riders that have completed an advanced rider safety course (e.g. RideForever).
Increase the level of cross-subsidisation of owners of motorcycles to the cost of injuries to motorcyclists from 28% to 37% with a staged increase of 33% from 1 July 2026 and 37% from 1 July 2027.
Introduce 0-250cc, 251-750cc and 751+cc motorcycle risk groups from 1 July 2026 to better reflect the cost of injuries increases as the engine capacity of a motorcycle increases.
Recategorise plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles as petrol-powered and non-petrol powered vehicles respectively.
Close Fleet Saver for entry and renewal from 1 July 2025, then completely close the programme from 30 June 2029.
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to publicly consult on proposed levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28.
PDF, 460KB, 15 pages
Minute of Decision for the Cabinet Economic Policy Committee on publicly consulting on proposed levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28.
PDF, 282KB, 3 pages
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to set average levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28 for the ACC Work, Earners’ and Motor Vehicle Accounts.
PDF, 675KB, 23 pages
Minute of Decision for the Cabinet Business Committee on setting average levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28.
PDF, 314KB, 4 pages
Cost Recovery Impact Statement to assess the proposed changes for the 2025-2028 levy round.
PDF, 1.1MB, 28 pages
Analysis of proposals regarding new Classification Units for home improvement stores and sports and physical recreation.
PDF, 840KB, 27 pages
Analysis of proposals on removing the No Claims Discount product and amending the Experience Rating product.
PDF, 465KB, 14 pages
Analysis of proposals on motorcycle groupings and cross-subsidisation.
PDF, 644KB, 19 pages
Analysis of proposals to integrate a financial incentive for motorcycle rider training into the vehicle licensing system.
PDF, 568KB, 20 pages
Analysis of proposals for determining the levy portion that should come from plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles.
PDF, 416KB, 12 pages
Analysis on proposals to remove the Fleet Saver product from ACC’s levy collection system.
PDF, 557KB, 15 pages
Analysis on proposals to set debit interest rates for Work levy payers who opt to use a payment plan, and to amend the interest on late levy payments to ensure compatibility between the two rates.
PDF, 752KB, 27 pages
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