Multi-criteria analysis

We are proposing the following five criteria to compare the options to the status quo:

  • Effective – options will reduce harm arising from work and prevent regulatory failure.
  • Proportionate – options are proportionate to the risk and will target key risks.
  • Clear – options are logical, consistent, and easy to understand, provide sufficient certainty to support the duty holders to comply and the regulator to enforce, and provide assurance for workers of protection of their health and safety.
  • Cost-efficient – options will minimise compliance and transitional costs for the duty holders and for the regulator, for the benefits they deliver.
  • Adaptable – options are future-proofed to manage risks as there are changes in technology and ways of working.

While not explicitly mentioned, options should provide equal protection to workers facing the same or similar risks in other sectors. We would also consider impacts on consumers as a part of any cost inefficiency identified.

Question about the criteria and analysis

1. Do you consider we have outlined the correct criteria and do you think any weighting should be applied? If so, why?

Below is a high-level summary of our provisional view of how each of the options weigh up against the status quo, using the key.

How each option has been assessed against the criteria is detailed in the relevant options page. We would expect to analyse various combinations of options as a part of final decision making. The document asks a series of questions that we will use to refine our analysis. We also welcome any feedback on our current assessment of the options outlined below, and again note that while some options may appear to rate higher than others, we do not currently have a preference on an option or set of options. 

Multi-criteria analysis of options presented in this discussion document