Summary of all consultation questions
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Primary consultation questions
Multi-criteria analysis
1. Do you consider we have outlined the correct criteria and do you think any weighting should be applied? If so, why?
Option 1: The status quo – no change
2. Do you think the status quo is adequate or inadequate to address the risks involved in work where RCS may be present? Tell us why.
3. What, if anything, could the regulator do within the status quo to support businesses to address the risks without needing to change current laws and regulations?
Option 2: Specific mandatory requirements for engineered stone
4. Do you support or oppose implementing specific requirements for working with engineered stone? Tell us why.
Option 3: Licencing of engineered stone workplaces
5. Do you support or oppose a regulatory requirement for licencing of workplaces that cut, grind, or polish engineered stone? Tell us why.
6. What should be the conditions of gaining and maintaining a licence?
7. In your view, what are the benefits and costs of operating under a licencing system?
8. Do you consider a licencing system would be effective in reducing harm?
Option 4: Increased general duties and workers’ exposure and health monitoring
9. Do you support or oppose the introduction of a general duty to reduce RCS exposures from work in all workplaces where there is a likelihood of exposure to RCS? Tell us why.
10. Do you undertake worker health monitoring currently? If so, what and how often?
11. Do you support or oppose mandatory worker health monitoring for workers in all workplaces where there is a likelihood of exposure to RCS? Tell us why.
12. Do you support or oppose mandatory worker exposure monitoring for workers in all workplaces where there is a likelihood of exposure to RCS? Tell us why.
Option 5: Limiting supply to or use of engineered stone in workplaces
13. Do you support or oppose a full ban on import, supply, and use of engineered stone? Tell us why.
14. How would a full ban on import, supply, and use of engineered stone impact you or the industry you work in/support?
15. Do you support or oppose a partial ban on import, supply, and use of engineered stone, applying to engineered stone with crystalline silica content of 40 per cent or more? Tell us why.
16. How would a partial ban impact you or the industry you work in/support?
Closing questions
17. Do you have a preferred option or package of options? Which option(s) and why?
18. Are there any other options to control RCS risks that we have not presented in this paper?
Additional questions for businesses
Option 1: the status quo – no change
19. What controls do you have in place to manage risks of RCS to your workers and how effective do you consider these controls to be?
20. If you are able to quantify the cost, can you please provide figures for the costs of the controls you currently use? Do you see these as being reasonable?
21. Do you face any barriers to meet the current expected practices to manage risk? If yes, please explain.
22. Would you describe your interactions with the regulator as useful, reasonable, and timely? Please tell us why.
Option 2: Specific mandatory requirements for engineered stone
23. What do you expect the cost to your business to be to implement any outlined requirements, such as water suppression (wet cutting) systems or local exhaust ventilation systems?
24. How long would you or your business require to implement any outlined requirements?
25. Are there any controls on workplace practices that would not be practicable?
26. Do you believe that the controls you have in place are adequate without mandatory controls? Please explain.
27. How does option 2 compare with what you are already doing?
Option 3: Licensing of engineered stone workplaces
28. Do you believe that the current optional accreditation scheme is adequate without mandatory licensing? Please explain.
29. Have you already joined the accreditation scheme? If so, how did you find it? If not, why?
Option 4: Increased general duties and workers’ exposure and health monitoring
30. Do you or does your business currently monitor workers’ exposure or health in relation to RCS? Please explain.
31. If you currently monitor workers’ exposure or health, what is the current cost to the business of this?
32. Do you think the current Workplace Exposure Standard (WES) of 0.025 mg/m3 is reasonably practicable to detect and adhere to in your business?
33. Are there any practical constraints to your business which could limit your ability to monitor workers’ exposure or health?
34. Do you believe that current practices around health and exposure monitoring is adequate without making it mandatory? Please explain.
35. How does option 4 compare with what you are already doing?
Option 5: Limiting supply to or use of engineered stone in workplaces
36. Do you currently use alternative materials to engineered stone or engineered stone with lower crystalline silica content? If so, why?
37. Has the ban in Australia and other measures taken overseas had any impact on your ability to import stone, or in the level of crystalline silica present in the stone you import?
38. How long would it take you to transition your supply of engineered stone products to lower crystalline silica content containing products, or alternative benchtop materials (if possible for your business)?
39. What would you expect costs to be of a full or partial ban?
40. How does option 5 compare with what you are already doing?