Closing remarks

This discussion document has outlined several options to further regulate the risk management of workers exposure to RCS. We seek your views on your preferred package of options.

This discussion document has outlined several options to further regulate the risk management of workers exposure to RCS. We seek your views on your preferred package of options. 

The options outlined in this discussion document are preliminary only. Their inclusion in this document does not imply that changes will be made, and we note that new options may be developed based on submissions received.

We asked a series of questions through this document. Your answers and any additional information that you can provide will help us determine what is the best option to ensure workers’ health and safety in engineered stone and other RCS-generative industries.

Following consultation, a summary of submissions will be made and publicly released. The submissions will help inform options to the Minister and whether or not regulatory change is required to meet the objectives of the policy problem. Once decisions have been taken, announcements will be made about any changes to the public.

Should regulations be required to implement the preferred option(s), this will follow the standard secondary legislation process.[1]

Closing questions

17.  Do you have a preferred option or package of options? Which option(s) and why?

18.  Are there any other options to control RCS risks that we have not presented in this paper? 

