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Investigations and reviews for safer buildings
Securing unreinforced masonry building parapets and facades
Building and construction
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- Building and maintaining New Zealand’s homes and buildings
- Response to Canterbury earthquakes
- Response to the rapid building assessment system review
Building and construction consultations
- Work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
- Making it easier to build granny flats (2024)
- Building Code fire safety review discussion document
- Review of the building consent system (snapshot)
- Proposed amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules public consultation
- Building consent system review: Options paper summary of submissions
- Improving efficiency in the inspection process: Discussion document
- Consultation document: Insulation requirements in housing and other buildings
- Investigations and reviews for safer buildings
- Residential pool safety
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Building System Insights Programme
- Building and Construction Sector Trends Reporting Package
- COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on building system actors
- Evaluation of the Building Consent System
- Monitoring the efficiency of building consent processes for new Kāinga Ora public housing
- National Construction Pipeline Report
- Progress towards identifying potential earthquake-prone buildings
- State of the Building and Construction Sector
- Trends in the importation of building and construction products
- Building Consent System Performance Monitoring - Quarterly update
- Digital Compliance for Low-Risk Plumbing and Drainlaying Work Pilot - Evaluation Findings
- Earthquake-prone building and seismic risk management review
Securing unreinforced masonry building parapets and facades
From February 2017 owners of certain unreinforced masonry buildings are required to secure street-facing parapets and facades in response to the 2016 Hurunui/Kaikōura earthquakes.
On this page
GNS Science forecasts
After the 2016 Hurunui/Kaikōura earthquakes, GNS Science advised there was an increased risk of further earthquakes occurring in the next 12 months in areas that included Wellington City, Lower Hutt City, Marlborough and Hurunui Districts.
In November 2017, GNS Science's updated forecasting showed the heightened risk period was expected to extend for at least another 6 months.
Amendment to the Building Act 2004
In February 2017 the Government made an Order in Council to amend the Building Act 2004, to address the risk to public safety from unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings in these areas.
In March 2018 the Order in Council was amended in response to practical constraints and the continued heightened seismic risk. The original 12-month deadline for securing work remains in place for all building owners, but those who have taken reasonable steps within that period, and complete the work within a further 6 months, have a defence against prosecution.
What building owners need to do
Owners of URM buildings, who received a notice from their territorial authority issued under section 124 of the Building Act 2004, as modified by the Order in Council, are required to secure the street-facing parapet and/or facade on their building within 12 months of the date of the notice to reduce the risk of falling masonry.
Unreinforced Masonry Buildings Securing Fund
In recognition of the public and private benefits from securing unreinforced masonry parapets and facades, the Government and affected councils established the Unreinforced Masonry Buildings Securing Fund (approximately $4.5 million) to support building owners in areas of increased risk of further earthquakes in the next 12 months to meet the requirements.
More information
The list of affected streets can be found in this Questions and Answers document:
Questions and answers about Unreinforced Masonry Buildings March 2018 [PDF, 235 KB]
The funding application form, technical guidance and further information on securing URM building parapets and facades can be found on our Building Performance website(external link).