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Building and construction consultations
Proposed amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules public consultation
Building and construction consultations
Work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
- Minister's foreword
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Current risk requirements
- Problem definition
- Options for working with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
- Closing remarks
- Summary of all consultation questions
- Glossary
- Annex I: Silicosis and engineered stone background
- Annex II: Overview of the health and safety regulatory regime
- Annex III: Revised Workplace Exposure Standard
- Annex IV: Further information on the status quo
- Annex V: Australia’s amendments to its regulatory settings in response to the risks posed by RCS
- Making it easier to build granny flats (2024)
- Building Code fire safety review discussion document
- Review of the building consent system (snapshot)
- Proposed amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules public consultation
Building consent system review: Options paper summary of submissions
- Introduction
- Key themes from submissions
- Promoting competition in the building regulatory system
- Removing impediments to product substitution and variation
- Strengthening roles and responsibilities
- New assurance pathways
- More efficient and streamlined delivery of building consent services
- Better performance monitoring and system stewardship
- Better responding to the needs and aspirations of Māori
- Addressing the interface between the building and resource consent system
- Submitter details
Improving efficiency in the inspection process: Discussion document
- Use of information
- Minister's foreword
- Introduction
- Increasing the uptake of remote inspections
- Section one: Options to increase the uptake of remote inspections and improve efficiency of inspection processes
- Section two: Increasing inspection capacity through the use of Accredited Organisations (Building)
- Appendix one: Full list of consultation questions
- Appendix two: Summary of options for feedback
Consultation document: Insulation requirements in housing and other buildings
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Insulation in housing and small buildings
- 3. Insulation in large buildings
- Appendix A: Proposed changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 Energy Efficiency for all housing, and bu
- Appendix B: Proposed changes to Verification Method H1/VM1 Energy Efficiency for all housing, and buildings up to 300m squared
- Appendix C: Proposed changes to Acceptable Solution H1/AS2 Energy Efficiency for buildings greater than 300m squared
- Appendix D: Proposed changes to Verification Method H1/VM2 Energy Efficiency for buildings greater than 300m squared
Work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
Proposed amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules public consultation: discussion document
Discussion document for MBIE's consultation on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules.
On this page
This is the web version of the 'Proposed Amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules Public Consultation' document.
You can download the PDF version and have your say at:
Consultation on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules
Accreditation body: MCM certification accreditation body
Building Act: Building Act 2004
ISO/IEC 17065: ISO/IEC 17065: 2013 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
MCM: Modular component manufacturer
MCMCB: MCM certification body
MBIE: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Regulations: Building (Modular Component Manufacturer) Regulations 2022
Section: Section of the Building Act 2004 unless otherwise specified
In this section
How to have your say
MBIE seeks written submissions on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules for modular component manufacturer certification by 5pm on 12 December 2023.
Seeking your feedback on proposals for BuiltReady scheme rules
We are seeking your feedback on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules, which are made by MBIE’s Chief Executive under the Building Act 2004 (the Building Act).
Context – the BuiltReady scheme
Includes what’s changing and why, the BuiltReady brand and manufacturer’s certificates.
Discussion: the proposed BuiltReady scheme rules
This part of the consultation discusses the draft of the proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules.
You can find the appendix 'Insertion of Schedule 1: Use if the BuiltReady brand' in the PDF version of this document.
Download the PDF version from:
Consultation on proposed amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules