Gas operator status

Gas distributors may need to apply for gas operator status to perform certain activities in some areas.

These activities can include:

  • the right to enter local roads to build and maintain fittings
  • the right to apply to the District Court for entry to level crossings, to build and maintain fittings.

Applying for gas operator status

If you’re planning to become, or are, a gas distributor and you think you need gas operator status to carry out your work, you need to fill out an application form.

The Minister of Energy and Resources can confer operator status under section 5 of the Gas Act 1992. The Minister must be satisfied that a declaration is necessary to enable the applicant to start or carry out business as a gas distributor.

Application form

Fill out the following application form to apply for gas operator status:

Application form for gas distributors seeking gas operator status [PDF, 611 KB] 

You must answer all parts of the form and provide as much supporting evidence as possible to satisfy the application criteria.

You need to explain why you are seeking operator status and the objectives of the work you propose and whether it crosses road or rail.

Where to send your application

Email your completed application form to

Or post your completed application form and any supporting information to:

Resource Markets Policy
Building, Resources and Markets Group
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
PO Box 1473
Wellington 6140

Other enquiries

For all enquiries about gas operator status email

Gas Operators

The following are Gas Operators for the purposes of the Gas Act 1992 (the Act), as at October 2023. The provisions of the Act for which each entity is a Gas Operator is specified, as well as the legal authority by which they have Gas Operator status (a reference to the Gazette notice is included, if appropriate).

Genesis Energy Ltd. for the purposes of the Gas Act 1992 by declaration by the Minister for Energy (Gazette notice 2024-go2342, publication date 14 May 2024).

Elgas Ltd. for all purposes of the Gas Act 1992, by declaration by the Minister of Energy and Resources (Gazette notice 2019-go3546, publication date 18 July 2019).

On Gas Ltd. (Trading name: Vector Ongas) for the purposes of sections 25 and 32 of the Gas Act 1992, by declaration by the Minister of Energy (Gazette notice 2004-go3592, publication date 28 May 2004).

Petro Tec Developments Ltd. for purposes of Part 3 of the Gas Act 1992, by declaration by the Minister of Energy (Gazette notice 2003-go7909, publication date 12 November 2003).

Rockgas Ltd. for all the purposes of the Gas Act 1992 under the Gas Operator (Rockgas Limited) Order 1996.

Southpark Utilities Ltd. for all purposes of the Gas Act 1992 under the Gas Operator (Southpark Utilities Limited) Order 2002.

Vector Ltd. for all purposes of the Gas Act 1992 under the Gas Operator (United Networks Limited) Order 2000. Inherited from United Networks Ltd.

Last updated: 31 May 2024