Gas regulatory framework

The gas market is governed by regulations and rules jointly developed by the Gas Industry Company and the government.

GIC's governance role

The Gas Industry Company (GIC) develops regulated or non-regulated governance arrangements consistent with the Government's objectives as set out in the Gas Act 1992 and the Government Policy Statement on Gas Governance 2008 (GPS).

Gas Act 1992(external link) — New Zealand Legislation

Government Policy Statement of Gas Governance 2008 [PDF, 35 KB]

Proposed industry arrangements are then submitted to the Minister of Energy and Resources for approval.

Recommendations made by the GIC cover:

  • the operation and governance of gas markets
  • access to infrastructure
  • consumer outcomes.

A range of rules, regulations and non-regulated arrangements are in place for the gas sector. The main ones are:

Gas (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2024

These regulations are part of an annual process conducted to help fund the majority of the GIC’s activities.

Further information about the process(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Read the 2023-24 regulatory impact statement about these regulations [PDF, 348 KB]

Read the full regulations(external link) — New Zealand Legislation

Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008

These rules establish a set of uniform processes to enable the fair, efficient, and reliable allocation and reconciliation of downstream gas quantities. The rules allow for an allocation agent to:

  • gather information about gas injection and consumption
  • allocate daily gas quantities to retailers at gas gates
  • reconcile downstream gas quantities.

Further information on the rules(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Gas (Switching Arrangements) Rules 2008

These rules enable consumers to efficiently switch between competing retailers. A central gas register means that consumer information can be exchanged between retailers.

Further information on the rules(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Gas Governance (Compliance) Regulations 2008

These regulations allow the following rules and regulations to be monitored and enforced:

  • Gas (Switching Arrangements) Rules 2008
  • Gas (Processing Facilities Information Disclosure) Rules 2008 (expired in June 2014)
  • Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008
  • Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Regulations 2008.

Read the full regulations(external link) — New Zealand Legislation website

Further information on the regulations(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Regulations 2008

These regulations set out the process for the industry to manage a gas supply emergency. They include the roles, responsibilities and obligations of certain parties before, during and after a critical event. A critical contingency operator is appointed under the regulations to determine, manage and terminate critical contingency event.

Read the full regulations(external link) — New Zealand Legislation

Further information on the regulations(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Gas (Dispute Resolution Scheme Membership) Class Exemption Regulations 2014

These regulations exempt gas retailers from the obligation to be a member of Utilities Disputes in relation to the supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in, or directly into, cylinders, and in quantities less than 15 kilograms.

Utilities Disputes is an effective, free and independent complaints resolution scheme available to gas consumers.

Further information on the EGCC(external link) — Utilities Disputes

Further information on your rights when choosing an electricity and gas provider(external link) — Consumer Affairs

Read the full regulations(external link) — New Zealand Legislation

Retail Gas Contracts Oversight Scheme

Introduced in 2010, this scheme is a non-regulated arrangement designed to ensure that retailers’ supply arrangements with small consumers adequately protect the long-term interests of those consumers.

Further information on the Retail Contracts Oversight Scheme(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Gas Distribution Contracts Oversight Scheme

Introduced in 2012, this scheme is a non-regulated arrangement designed to ensure that core terms and conditions of distribution services agreements are clear, reasonable, promote market efficiency and enhance consumer outcomes.

Further information on the Gas Distribution Contracts Oversight Scheme(external link) — Gas Industry Company Limited

Last updated: 14 June 2024