Tāmaki Makaurau future workforce - Tech Tāmaki Makaurau
According to the Auckland Tech Sector (TIN200) Insights report, Tāmaki is home to 112 of Aotearoa’s top 200 tech companies in 2022.
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These are made up of high-tech manufacturing, ICT and biotech companies which contribute 6.4% to the country’s GDP and employ 51% of the 70,000 tech industry workforce in New Zealand. With tech companies growing at 5 times the rate of the rest of the Auckland economy, and average annual salaries of $88,660 (compared to the regional average of $75,550), the technology sector has the potential to lift the prosperity of many Aucklanders looking to enter this sector. Government and industry collaboration on the Advance Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) indicates developing and attracting a diverse, highly skilled and high wage workforce as a key priority. Digital Technologies ITP has received increased funding to support initiatives to attract more women, Māori and Pacific peoples into the industry.
Ensuring equitable access to the sector’s skills and workforce development opportunities is a key focus for the RSLG. The RSLG supports the development of career pathways that collaborate with industry. Regional pathways to the sector initiatives such as Pūhoro STEM Academy and the cybersecurity program at Te Pukenga are good examples of building awareness of the opportunities available in tech, particularly for rangatahi and Māori communities.
RSLG has supported Te Au Hangarau commission for research to understand the factors influencing greater participation and success of Māori graduates in the tech industry and to develop qualitative research (interviews) to hear and share the experiences of Māori in higher education and employment within the tech sector.

Case study
The RSLG supports the Tech Tāmaki Makaurau programme by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited as a local tech workforce initiative. “Tech Tāmaki Makaurau is a 3-year programme of action to grow Auckland’s technology industry, to create jobs and to attract talent and investment to the region” (Tech Tāmaki Makaurau | Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (aucklandnz.com). The strategic framework focuses on:
- Manaakitanga: creating a tech ecosystem that is a beacon for home-grown and international
- Kaitiakitanga: developing a tech industry that delivers a sustainable and equitable future for all. And;
- Kotahitanga: growing Tāmaki Makaurau as a globally connect, inclusive and collaborative tech city.
There are currently 10 actions, including increasing the number employed in the tech industry, particularly Māori, Pasifika, youth and women. And to increase and scale tech career pathway programmes.