Taranaki Regional Workforce Plan - Te Mahere ā-Rohe - Year 1
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Ko Taranaki te kāinga.
Kāore i kō mai, i kō atu.Taranaki is our home.
There is no place quite like it.

This is the web version of the Taranaki Regional Workforce Plan.
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In this section
Executive summary
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. People are the most important taonga (treasure) in our region; a culturally connected, strong and resilient people across all aspects of life.
Our action points
These action points support better access to appropriate skills and training provision in Taranaki.
Our journey and aspirations
Our Action Points have been created to incite positive change for the communities in our region. They address skills and workforce needs within our region, which is what we were established to do as part of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE).
Sector spotlight - Tupu Rawa
Through the Tupu Rawa programme with Parininihi ki Waitōtara (PKW), 4 Kaitiaki (cadets) have embarked on a journey of kaitiakitanga (environmental conservation and stewardship) with a mātauranga Māori lens.
Food, fibre and whenua
He rākau morimori, e kore e taea te piki.
A tree without lower branches cannot be climbed – learn fully, don’t take shortcuts.
Our region continues to support the energy needs of Aotearoa New Zealand since the discovery of oil at Moturoa in the 1860s.
Sector spotlight - EVolocity
The EVolocity Programme 2022 provides high school students from across the rohe with the opportunity to see low emissions energy come to life.
Our recommendations
Ko Ranganui etū nei, ko papatūanuku etakoto nei.
Rangi sky father above, papa earth mother below and we are their descendants.
Our members
The members of the Taranaki Regional Skills Leadership Group.